Natural Treatments

Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis

Hello my friends today’s post is another addition to Natural Treatments Series , where I will share information by some experts in this field.  The author is  Matthew Armstrong again , who is a Human Behavioral Specialist, Author, Health Educator Speaker, Master Coach, Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner .matthew armstrong

Matthew is trained in Korean Ki Energy acupressure and sound healing and provides treatment’s. He has a complete and wholistic knowledge of health and nutrition and is a huge advocate of the raw vegan living foods lifestyle. He has also recently published his first book “You Will Be Thin and Feel Great” , which is a complete guide to healthy weight loss and he is progressing well through his second!

Matthew is now known as Europes leading transformational specialist and has coached clients globally including celebrities in Hollywood.

Matthew is one of my personal mentors and friends and I admire his work, dedication and inspiration. Here is the article :

Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis

The Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis is very simple, but first we need to understand the cause of Osteoporosis. It is a condition caused by diet and lifestyle and therefore is completely reversible.


There is so much disinformation out there and the biggest one, is to consume more dairy for the calcium. Dairy is certainly a major contributor to Osteoporosis and for anyone who refutes this, we just have to look at the statistics for the countries that have the highest rates of Osteoporosis and we will see that they are also the countries that are the largest consumers of dairy. Even in Africa, Kenyans have the largest consumption of dairy, and they also have the highest rates of Osteoporosis.

The reason dairy doesn’t help and in fact harms is because it is acidic and the calcium is mostly non-absorbable by the body. Our body works on a very specific acid-alkaline balance with our blood staying slightly alkaline at 7.365. When we ingest acidic foods such as dairy, meat, anything processed, coffee, alcohol or carbonated soft drinks then calcium is leached from the bones to protect the vital organs and keep our body in an alkaline state. This of course makes the bones brittle and weak through the lack of calcium and other vital minerals. Incidentally Calcium is an alkaline mineral.Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis

So the natural treatment for Osteoporosis is to inget mineral rich foods and drinks. Think fruits and vegetables with the most alkaline being the leafy greens, broccoli, avocado, and of the nut family the Almond is calcium rich and also alkalising, and of the seed family, the sesame seed is richest in calcium and Tahini makes a great sesame seed spread. Lemon squeezed into water makes a good refreshing alkalising drink, and even though a lemon is a citric acid, it converts to alkaline when mixed with saliva.Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis

As I mentioned at the start, the natural treatment for Osteoporosis is both diet and lifestyle The lifestyle part is to remove all stress from our day to day living because stress causes acid in the body. Deep breathing exercises, meditation and a calming environment will all promote healing of the mind and body.

Load bearing exercise is also vital for bone density and strength. Few realise that when we train our muscles we also train and strengthen our bones. One of the main reasons that many more women than men suffer from Osteoporosis is because fewer women do load baring exercise. It is this simple. This doesn’t mean that you have to stat pumping weights in the gym, but gardening, hiking, or Yoga etc are enjoyable hobbies that could save your life and provide a natural treatment for Osteoporosis.

For recommended diet and further information about best practices for treating Osteoporosis, visit

Matthew Armstrong is a Transformational Specialist and best-selling author. He has interviewed experts in various fields of health and well-being to bring you a comprehensive resource for learning how to recover from any disease and attain vibrant health and vitality. Visit to watch video interviews with leading experts in Natural Health, Nutrition and Fitness.



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