Earth,Modern Parenting

Another Perfect Day

I am enjoying post a day challenge. So far so good,the only thing is that I have been intending to do these daily posts during the day, but in a last week or so I end up making it possible nearly at midnight.

I love roses
I love roses

I am one of these people that I am never in a hurry, never rush and always can find something to do. Today I spent over an hour in the morning sunbathing in the back garden-it is a opportunity I love to take as we are having a glorious summer these days. I made stuffed peppers today, so in order to bring as much goodness to the table I went to a supermarket that sells organic peppers and tomatoes. They turn out lovely. The boys loved them.At some stage I will share my recipe here, as this dish is one of my all time favourite.

Me and the boys spent about 4 hours in the park and just lying on the grass made me feel so alive and took all the radiation away.Stellios walked on the grass on his bare feet and this got him very content, even if the chain on his bike fell a few times, but then Ari -my oldest son very confidently fixed it.

So I am so looking forward to going to bed.

Instead of daily posts I have been writing evening posts. In the evening I am kind a slow and lazy.All I want to say this evening is Thank you so much that you are here , reading my blog. I enjoy having a space where I can share what inspire and excites me, I am overwhelmed by the information about food and nutrition and I am so happy to learn and experience the changes, that happen when you change your diet and lifestyle.

Sending Blessings and Love

P.S This is day 18 of  Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 221 days left of 2012.

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