Becoming vegan changed everything for me. One of the most amazing parts of that change is the fact , that I got new friends. Its time to Ask a Vegan. Today I would like to introduce you to Sarah V Prince -vegan, that walks the talk and actively campaigns for animal rights.Sarah is also a volunteer for Bullies In Need Bull Breed Rescue.

Here are Sarah’s answers :
1.How long have you been vegan for?Sarah I became vegan in May 2010 after several years of being a vegetarian before that.
2.What made you go vegan? Sarah :I’m an ethical vegan, for me it is about the animals and my relationship with them. I believe it is fundamentally wrong to cause death and suffering to non-human animals for unnecessary reasons. I already didn’t eat meat, and made sure the cosmetics I used were not animal tested and always felt very unhappy and uncomfortable about animals being used in entertainment or for sports, but once I learned the real scale of the abuse that animals suffer in the dairy and egg industries, and how suffering is involved to make leather, wool and products such as honey.
I decided that I couldn’t have the suffering of one single animal on my conscience and I would cut out every single use and exploitation of animals from my life that I possibly could.
3.Do you take any supplements?Sarah :I take a vegan multivitamin supplement every day, that’s all.
4.What are your favourite vegan dishes? Sarah I love my food and am a real comfort eater, I love desserts, so vegan cakes are a big winner with me, luckily I love baking and trying out different recipes. One of my favourites are Vegan Strawberry Shortcakes.

I love big satisfying vegan lasagnes, quiches and pasties too – I’m a bit of a carbs girl.
5.What is your advice to new vegans?Sarah :Find yourself a good support network of other vegans if you can, Facebook is fab for this, as you can share advice, food tips and it keeps you from feeling isolated in a predominantly non-vegan world. And ask, ask ask, there’s nothing other vegans like to talk about more than veganism and I’ve never met another vegan who wasn’t happy to help out a new vegan with tips and welcome them to the lifestyle Keep that picture of those animals in your head and remember always that you do it for them, nothing tastes as good as a clear conscience feels – if ever you feel like slipping, remember who you do it for !
6. What books would you recommend to new vegans?Sarah : One of my favourite books about living vegan is “Vegan Freak” by Bob Torres, it’s a great book about dealing with living vegan in a world that often doesn’t understand your choices. Cookbook wise I love “So What Do You Eat ?” by Liz Cook and I’ll be buying the new “Mouthwateruing Vegan Recipes” by Miriam Sorrell. Her website of the same name has some of my very favourite recipes.
7.If you had a magic wand what would be the one thing, that you would change in the world? Sarah Speciesism without a doubt!
I loved writing about Sarah and I hope you find the information useful.
You can add Sarah on Facebook Here.
Sending blessings and Love
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