become a vegan
Plant Based Diet,Raw Food Detox,Why Raw Food?

Raw Vegan Detox -Day 12. Variety is the spice of life

ra vegan detox Variety is the spice of life. This profound statement can be applied to most areas in our lives. Its one of the shortest statements , that can truly sum up how important is to keep things exciting and fresh.Here is a quick video , that I recorded shortly before I made my food.


One of the things that truly bring variety and incredible nourishment to your body are so called super foods. I like to make a super food smoothie every other day. To create an amazing texture I highly recommend you using a good quality blender like the Vitamix, which is a sure investment in your health . Those powerful blades brake down the food so your sells can absorb every vitamin and mineral, that the food has.Today I had  one of my most favourite smoothies.

raw vegan detox
Everybody loves it!

Here is what you need.

1 cup of frozen mangos

2 cups os frozen bluberries

1 ripe banana

3-4 dates

maca root powder

cacao nibs


chia seeds

1 celery stalk


aproox 4 cups of fitered water

Blend for approx 90 seconds and Enjoy!

Vitamix is also amazing when you are making almond milk or any other nut milk of your choce. This evening I put some hemp seeds to soak overnight so I will make some hemp milk tomorrow.From all the plant based milks, hemp milk is the best for nutrition.
Thank you very much for all the support and love.
Sending blessings and Love!

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  1. Ivelina says:

    Thank you, Oana! You are so kind.I am sure you will make something nice with that kale! 😉

  2. Oana79 says:

    Lovely, Iva, you look great and that juice inspires me to make one today. I have some kale in the fridge looking for my attention 🙂

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