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I am a master procrastinator and this title almost gives me the shivers 🙂

I am sure you all know the famous book “Eat that Frog” by Brian Tracy. As you can imagine this is simply an expression on how to deal with your task and get things done.We are all given the same hours in a day, but some how some people seem to have it all better organized and better together. 

In my opinion it is a combination of prioritizing, being smart and taking action daily. I do believe that “you will never really get it done” and this is what life’s mystery is about. eat that frog


In today’s challenge the task is to get done the one thing, that you have been putting of for some time, procrastinating and simply not getting done.

The point is to do it before you do anything else. No matter what kind of business you have there are parts in it, that you might avoid doing. Regardless of how many books you have read and how many lists you have written the real progress happens when you take action. (Here I should truly take my own advice 🙂

My “frog” is, that I haven’t done a video since May and I am feeling very uncomfortable even thinking about it. I love doing videos as they are real and create a real connection with you and my intention is to do a video by the end of this weekend.

So I am looking forward to making a video and sharing it with you. 

Thank you once again for being here. 
I am very excited to take part in this Maximize Your Moments Challenge by the amazing mum-entrepreneur Amanda.

I appreciate you and I love you. 



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