I love writing lists. Mind maps truly confuse me, but when it comes to lists I am the master of writing lists. I have a list for almost anything around the house and another few lists unwritten in my head. Not a great way to be productive at all. I find myself spending more time writing lists, instead of getting down to business. I guess even writing the list sometimes and outlining what to do gives me a false sense of purpose. I write the money-making activity list and then I just go out of the office and start cooking or sorting out the house.

So today’s task is something I don’t like, I almost ever dread to think about.
I love being comfortable and not taking much action, not just from fear of rejection, but also by simply being lazy.
The task today is to Focus only on 5 money-making activities, that will improve your business and keep it near your working space, so every day you get at least one of them done and this will increase your productivity.
I believe, that real motivation comes from giving service to others and getting paid for it. When you contribute you feel you are helping others and that is where the real fun is. Getting paid for it is how you feed your motivation, improve yourself and deliver better value.
To me personally, the best value is delivered with the purpose to help one another regardless of what niche you work We are all humans here, as they say walking each other home.
So I have to decide on a very short list of 5 money making activities in some form.
So here is my very short list, which I will print and set on my desk as a reminder of how productive I can be even if I have only one hour in the office.
1. Answer all my e-mails regarding publishing sponsored content on my blog as soon as they arrive.
2.Complete another stage of organizing the recipes in this blog
3. Write an e-mail to my list with friends and followers
4. Complete and update any of the traffic and creditability generating platforms including Bloglovin, Yummly, KitchenDaily…..
5. Write a blog post where I provide value in terms of blogging inspiration or healthy living.
All that seems simple enough. I often ask myself what is the reason I am constantly thinking of doing something and not getting it done.
I know I am great at procrastinating and wanting to put off things, I like to escape being responsible or kept accountable because failing does not feel good. I like to get attention for trying and sometimes even feel sorry for. But this is how to remain stuck. It is so easy to be stuck in a sugary coated excuses, that I constantly make.
Thank you once again for being here and reading my blog!
I appreciate and I love you!