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Carb Cycling For Vegans

If you are a vegan that keeps up with your usual diet and workouts almost every day of the week, bulking up is not a difficult task for you. You resupply your proteins from many different sources, and then everything changes on that one day, the day that troubles many vegan bodybuilders: the no-carb day. So the question remains – how and where to get the necessary protein? Here are some of the ways in which you can keep the carbs cycling.

Coconut oil is probably the best way to substitute fats. It can be used in almost every vegan diet, and it is an important element of every protein shake. The oil is rich in triglycerides, which are converted into ketones, and used as a main source of body and brain energy. Ketones are also great in improving brain function, as well as restoring neurons and nerves. The most important thing about coconut oil is that it also boosts the fat loss, which is an important thing for every vegan bodybuilder. It is a great energy source, and a very important addition to every vegan diet.

Believe it or not, drinking water and eating up to 5 times a day is an important factor in carb cycling. Gallons of water will speed up the digestive process, and also provide you with enough refreshment to keep you going.

Eating up to 5 times per day (smaller portions) is very important in speeding up ones metabolism, and so far the best diets are based on this system. Make your plates diverse, ranging from fresh veggies to fresh fruits. Don’t forget to add sweet potato, for it might be the difference in taste since not all veggies taste good.

carb cycling for vegans

Fresh peaches are a great way of getting all that required sugar and energy for the day; then we have other healthy snacks like bananas, grapes and of course – avocado. But, there is more to avocado than what meets the eye: it is a fruit made out of 72 percent water and 7 percent dietary fiber, which are two important elements when it comes to losing weight.

Fibers found inside avocado have yet another important role – they absorb water, and are able to loosen or soften one’s stool. If you are having troubles with constipation, or have been backed up, adding an avocado or half of it to your meals can be a problem solver. Single serving of an avocado (1oz) contains 45 calories, 4g of fat, 30 mg of omega 3-s, 473g of omega 6-s, Vitamin A, C, K, E, B6, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Magnesium and Zinc (all from 1-7% of RVD),  so not only is it a great way of improving your diet, but it is also one of the healthiest dietary supplements a vegan can find.

Eating peanut butter with whole wheat bread is also a great way of staying healthy, while staying under the radar and keeping those daily calories controlled. It is important to try and get all your carbs early in the morning, and burn them off within a few hours of consumption. By doing this, you would still have the energy for a full work out as well.

Remember not to cut on protein, and keep up with the required level. If you by any chance disregard proteins, your muscles will start to break and you will lose all of your hard time spent in the gym. Finding a balance between working out and eating just enough proteins to keep the muscle tissues repaired is crucial for every bodybuilder, especially vegans since their protein sources are very limited. Things such as shakes or protein bars can be helpful; however, sometimes additional supplements are required to keep the protein level up.

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