easy vegan recipes
Easy Vegan Recipes- 30 Day Vegan Blogging Challenge,What do vegans eat?

Easy Vegan Recipes -30 day Vegan Blogging Challenge -Day 3 -Vegan Lasagna

Hello , my friends

The “Easy Vegan Recipes” -30 Day Vegan Blogging Challenge is going so so well. I am so happy with all the support and there is an abundance of inspiration.If you haven’t joined us yet here is the link and feel free to invite your friends. Click here to join us on Facebook. easy vegan recipes

For today’s recipe I would like to share with you and easy Vegan Lasagna, which the whole family can enjoy regardless if they are vegan or not.

Here is what you need

  • lasagna pasta sheets
  • 1 liter of tomato pasata
  • 3 onions
  • 5 garlic cloves
  • 2 sticks of celery
  • salt and pepper
  • olive oil
  • ground cloves
  • sweet red paprika
  • nutmeg
  • cinnamon
  • basil
  • 2 bay leaves
  • red wine (optional)

For the topping you need :

  • olive oil
  • 70 ml oat milk
  • black pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 cup of flour

The first thing to do to prepare the lasagna is to make the tomato sauce. In a food processor you blend the onions, garlic and the celery . Then you saute them in some oil and add the sweet paprika in the mix. Then all the red wine and possibly a bit of water to make sure the onions are nice and soft before you add the tomato sauce.

Let it simmer for 10-15 minutes on a low heat and once the onions are nearly cooked add the tomatoes and all the spices. Cook it for an additional 10 minutes.

Now you have the sauce ready and you can start laying the lasagna. Just put layers of sauce and pasta sheets while you cover the baking tray. Set the tray on a side and make the topping .

To make the topping put the oat milk to boil with the whole peeled onion to flavour the milk. Let it simmer on a low heat for approx 10 minutes. Then sieve the milk and in another pot heal some oil and then add the flour and some black pepper.Whisk. Then pour the sieved  milk and whisk until smooth. Its ready .

easy vegan recipes
Just out of the oven -easy Vegan Lasagna

Pour the topping on the top of the layered lasagna and put it in the oven for 20-25 minutes on a low heat.

Serve it with a green salad . I made a very simple one this evening with baby salad leaves , celery and a fre black olives .

easy vegan recipes

Overall I enjoyed making the lasagna and my boys loved it. The best part is that now this is another vegan dish , that I will be cooking for them again some time.
Thank you so much for being here and all the love and support!
Vegan cooking is about Nurturing Nature in many forms .You nurture  the food, you nurture the people, that you are feeding and promote peace, love and no body gets hurt in the process.


Lots of Love ,


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I love writing fresh and interesting content . Send me an email to ivelina(at)mothernaturelovesyou.com. Click the contact me button on the right hand side regarding a guest/sponsored post or simply send me a Facebook message -http://www.facebook.com/ivelinaborislavova

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