Easy Vegan Recipes- 30 Day Vegan Blogging Challenge,What do vegans eat?

Easy Vegan Recipes-30 day Vegan Blogging Challenge-Tips for making curry

Hello my friends ,

I simply Looooove Indian curry. There is nothing like it-so full of flavour and richness.Its because of the herbs and the spices cooking vegan is such fun and full of goodness.

This evening when it was time for dinner I really felt like curry. This is the thing about cooking. When you are in  the flow of cooking sometimes  its hard to stop. You feel like you are conducting a symphony of flavours and everything has its place. Everything else disappears and you just cook. So this is what it was like today for me.  I feel I perfected my curry recipe. So that is why today is the best day to share my curry recipe with you.easy vegan recipes

Herbs and spices are those miracles workers in the kitchen and when you combine them you make the perfect dish every time.I have said this before ,  but if I ever decide to open up a shop it will be a shop for selling herbs and spices.

Inside this recipe are my best tips for making curry , hope you find them useful next time you are cooking some.

          Potato and red pepper curry with mushrooms and almond milk 

So here is what you need.

  • 12 small potatoes (cut into chunky boats)
  • 12 mushrooms (finely chopped)
  • 3 red peppers (cut into thin slices )
  • 1 red chilli -finely chopped 
  • 3 onions ( nicely chopped)
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cm of fresh ginger
  • a few spoonful of coconut oil
  • 400 ml of almond milk (I make my own almond milk , but you can buy some and use it instead)
  • Himalayan salt

Here is also the spices , that make the curry taste amazing

  • 7 spoonfuls of ground coriander
  • 1 tea spoon of ground mustard seeds
  • 1 heaped tea spoon of cumin
  • a pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 1 tea spoon of ground fenugreek
  • 1 tea spoon of turmeric
  • 1 tea spoon of roasted ajwain powder
  • 1/2 tea spoon of ground cloves
  • some water

 Will start with my first tip -cook your onions, garlic and ginger together. Get your onions , garlic and ginger ready first . Chop them and put them in the hot oil with a pinch of salt . Give them a good mix. Once they start to stick to the pot pour some water and let them simmer on a very low heat until they are very soft. While they are cooking you can peel the potatoes and chop them , unless you are  organized and have everything ready. Whatever is the case once the onions are soft and nearly cooked add your potatoes and give them a good mix. This is my second tip -At this stage I add a pinch of cayenne pepper and some turmeric- I believe, that it balances with the sweetness of the  onions and works really well. Next add more water to just about cover the potatoes and let it boil on medium heat.

In another pan fry the peppers with some salt , once they are ready set  them on a side. Then fry the mushrooms and once ready let them set aside. By now your potatoes are half cooked so you can add the peppers and the mushrooms to your pot of curry.

Here is another tip ..Mix all the spices in a bowl. Then in another pan heat some oil and add the spices to it. Mix the paste , never leave it for a second as it cooks  pretty fast. Add a splash of water and mix again until all the water goes away. Remove from the cooker and add your almond milk. Mix well and pour it in your pot and let it simmer for another 10-15 minutes on a very low heat. Taste it. It might need more milk , more water or something else.Here is another tip – Let your intuition and taste buds guide you .easy vegan recipes

Serve with basmati rice or any other rice , that you like . It tastes amazing and everybody loved it.

So here is today’s recipe, If you find it useful please share it with your friends using the buttons below. In the mean time happy vegan cooking and will talk to you tomorrow.

Thank you so much for all your love and support,

Lots of love



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