Natural Treatments,Organic and Natural Living

Essential oils to enhance memory and concentration

Essential oils to enhance memory and concentration

When you lack concentration and feel more distracted than ever, essential oils tend to be the perfect natural remedy. They enhance memory and thanks to the great recipes that are offered, you will feel your body and mind relaxed in a unique way. Essential oils are found in a great diversity of body lotions, shampoos and hand soaps and they have definitely proven their amazing effect through the years.

Despite the fact that many people still consider this alternative medicine ineffective, the essential oils remain the basis of the aromatherapy that is used for healing a wide range of maladies.

Essential oils to enhance memory and concentration

Essential oils contribute to the improvement of memory and concentration when applied in the right way and they are one of the best natural remedies that will release your mind from stress and anxiety. If you are a fan of the alternative medicine, take a look of the following lines to find out more about the best memory-enhancing recipes with essential oils:

essential oil basil Basil
Basil possesses a refreshing and nice scent that contributes to the amelioration of memory and for the reducing of the distraction. If you are about to prepare yourself for an important exam or presentation, but you feel tired and totally distracted, inhaling basil essential oil will help you to enhance your memory and to focus on remembering all the details. All you need to do is place a reed diffuser in the room and to put 20 drops of the basil essential oil in it. This will help you to be more effective in your studies and to prepare in an excellent way for the event. - nane uçucu yağı

The specific fragrant scent of the peppermint essential oil is excellent for improving the memory and for the awakening of your mind. It will cure your headache all naturally, giving you the chance to focus on your tasks without any difficulty. Inhaling of this spicy scent will help you to wake your body and soul without the need for drinks that involve caffeine.

Apart from the traditional use of the lemon essential oil for a cleanser or as a freshener, it also finds its place for dealing with distraction and loss of memory. Lemon essential oil is very popular for its properties to clean your body from the toxins but what you may not know is that it also rejuvenates your body and mind and it makes you feel more concentrated to your activities.

Eucalyptus essential oil is preferred by many people, due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Others, just use it as an air freshener, without realizing its numerous benefits both for your body and for your mind. Inhaling of the eucalyptus essential oil will make you feel relaxed and less distracted. Put it in your diffuser and enjoy the pleasant scent of this essential oil.

When you buy essential oils, first make sure that they are a hundred per cent pure essential oils and that it does not contain any other substances that may affect your health. As far as the use of the essential oils is concerned, you can put them in a diffuser, or, if you prefer, you can choose a pot where to situate them. When the fragrance of the essential oil spreads around, you will immediately observe the soothing effect. Your memory will be enhanced and you will no longer feel distracted.

Try these alternative methods for increasing your concentration – they are a harmless and cost-effective decision that has already proven its efficiency. Charge yourself with a diffuser and pick your favourite scent!

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Joanna Oliver

oanna Oliver is a mum to three beautiful children, who has developed a diverse skills set and refuses to be pigeon holed by restrictive job descriptions and titles. She is a self defined Altrepreneur with experience in working as a Senior University Lecturer, working with individuals, charities and community initiatives in a range of roles, including learning and development, strategic planning, bid writing and fundraising. With a range of qualifications, from professional supervisor, vocational assessor and a degree in Advertising, Media and Marketing, Joanna uses her diverse skills base to help and support people to ‘Grow their Personal and Professional Colours’. With a Masters degree in Therapeutic Childcare, Joanna is a published author, an enthusiastic blogger and copywriter and is in the process of writing two books, one as a collaborative project.

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