Meditation,Self Love

“How to make a choice and have no choice, but the one you’ve made” :-)

listen to your gut Everybody has it. It is that feeling inside , that you know what to do, but the mind is programmed to sabotage you. Don’t buy the story , that your mind is trying to tell you. What you have learned is not always the way you think things should be. Last year I went to an Eckhart Toole talk at the RDS in Dublin. Although I have been to many seminars and events his talk and his presence is staying with me like a blessing and light in my life.

One of the things, that I learned from that talk is ” how to make a choice and have no choice , but the choice I have made” . He said, that when you are making a decision the best way to do it is to become still and wait for the answer. Then sleep.Then you can hear your inner voice-your intuition, your gut feeling….If in the next morning and the morning after you hear the same answer , then your choice is to have no choice, but to listen to your gut. It becomes easy and everything falls naturally into place. Go with it and it is the most amazing part of the journey. Then you don’t  need to give yourself excuses or make up stories to keep yourself convinced, that is the choice for you. You become unstoppable , abundant and charged . I  love it  when people  listen to their gut and do only what feels wright for them. This is pure freedom and real happiness, because it comes from within. And that is real living.
listen to your gut
So next time when you have to make a decision or just have to deal with a challenge let your mind be silent and let your gut feeling and intuition guide you. Somehow it always turns out all right.

“How to make a choice and have no choice, but the one you’ve made” 🙂 Answer : “Listen to your gut” .

Here is a free un-course from Eckhart Tolle website HERE-to help you will find a true source of peace and freedom within yourself.

Sending blessings and love

P.S This is day 23 of  Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 216 days left of 2012.

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