what does vegans eat
Becoming Vegan,What do vegans eat?

Vegetarian to Vegan – day 1& 2

I must tell you this. My day started with going  to Sainsbury’s after I droped  the kids at school. I was so tempted to change my mind and buy myself a block of feta cheese  and a chocolate brownie, but I managed not to. My mind was trying to find all this silly excuses like that “it is only one block, how does it  matter” or ” you are missing out if you are not eating chocolate” . I am still eating chocolate – raw and free from any dairy. raw chocolate bar

I do felt like I have achieved something. I also concluded, that what sells most of the products, that are packaged is the actual packaging. No body bothers to package fruits and vegetables. Why ? Because they always look good naked 😉 Because we naturally know to buy them-they always look good and have this amazing energy around them. I don’t  go to the open fruit and vegetable market in Belfast on Saturday morning, but I got a great organic selection today anyway.

I went to Dublin yesterday for the day so most of the food I had,was on the go.

Breakfast was-spinach and  celery with  hummus .

For lunch I had a packet of nuts, a banana and a pear.

Dinner was green  salad and chips.(a bit unhealthy, but I enjoyed it)

Overall not very exciting, but I had a brilliant day.

Today is day 2 of no meat, no dairy , no milk no fish lifestyle.

Breakfast -juice consisting of apples, pineapple, celery, cabbage. Then pit in the Vita-mix with one avocado and a tea spoon of  spirulina. Serve with ice and that juice will keep you feeling full for hours.

Lunch -red pepper, celery, asparagus with hummus

what does vegan eat

Dinner- quinoa beans, Moroccan Chick peas burgers and salad made of cooked beetroot, raw onion, gherkins, raw asparagus and dressed with basil, olive oil , salt and pepper.

I also had a cup of rose-hip tea and a morning Pukka tea.

So there it is. I really want to see the effects of a vegan diet on my body.

Sending Blessings and Love



P.S This is day 22 of  Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 217 days left of 2012.

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