your perfect day
Everything is Energy,Self Love

Living Your Perfect Day Every day

A few years ago I watched a seminar held by Frank Kern.He gave an amazing talk and one of the things, that I remember to this day and can honestly say have changed my life is the tip he shared about “having  your perfect day”. Yes, he said create your perfect day and write it down with as many details as possible.What time are you getting up at? Where and what do you do? What do you have for breakfast and who is with you? Where are you gonna go? What are you having for lunch? Who is with you? What conversations are you having with those people? How do you look? How do you feel? What are you doing in the afternoon? What productive passions are bringing money in your life? What time you go to bed at? Who are you going to bed with?your perfect day
So this is what I did at the time I wrote down my perfect day.Doing that made it so clear for me what I want and also what I really do not like and that I have to do something about it.It also made it so easy to have a perfect day because it made me more aware of the beauty of being alive , smelling the flowers, loving the kids, cooking dinner, having a long bath, having dinner with friends, reading a book,doing yoga, drinking water, hugging, talking  connecting with people,getting up in the morning, learning ,walking, jumping….This is all perfect. So special and so precious.
I invite you to do it.Design your perfect day.

Focusing on the “now” changes everything…..No matter what I am looking forward to there is nothing better than the present.Life is a Gift!


P.S This is day 12 of WordPress Challenge to make a post every day. There are 227 days left of 2012.

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