motherhood lessons to help you blogging
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Motherhood lessons to help you with your blogging -1000 day challenge #4

Motherhood is one of the “hardest jobs ever” -it’s an intuitive practicing of love, care and support. And I mean love, care and support all the time , no matter what the task involves.

As a daughter of a pediatrician , turned microbiologist mother, I have been exposed to countless babies and most of them unwell. 

motherhood lessons to help you blogging
Celtic mother and child symbol

Then when I became a mother I felt quite overwhelmed for some time . I never read any book about parenting, never took any classes apart from one anti natal class , but even then I knew everything and I have always felt very confident .

The only time when I lost my way was when I expected others to be like me and if they weren’t I would take it personally and get myself into a low state. Even though, that was a low time in my life and I was lost , it was necessary in order for me to find myself as they call it. Unless you get lost you can’t find yourself.

Motherhood is a natural force, that every woman has and can be used in many areas of your life. Whether you have kids or not as a woman you have the most natural ability to love, to nurture and to support. Here is today’s video, which i did this morning .Please press play to watch it.


How about using those qualities as a part of the strategy of creating your blog.

1. Love your blog -choose a niche or an industry, that you love.The reality is that if you love it, there are plenty of people who feel the same. Starting a blog about something, that you love , doing with love is a sure way to have the energy needed to keep it going. 

2. Nurture -this is a special quality. Its caring with love, being really and fully present. To nurture means the million small things, that every mother is doing , without even thinking about it. It means to help it grow, to nourish it, to “feed” it and protect it. It is a vital part of your blogging as well-helping grow bit by bit , day by day -you create a life lasting platform to share , educate and inspire. 

3.Support – Support is not just buying all the tools, software and hosting , that your blog needs, but it’s also supporting it by making it a priority in your business strategy. A blog has many uses and one of it is to create and establish a space for your content-video, articles, images and so on. It is also a way of communicating with your readers and followers. By supporting its growth you are creating, educating and inspiring! 


I hope, that that association  between motherhood and blogging was helpful to you. If you liked it please share it with your friends!

Talk tomorrow,

Lots of Love


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