Motherhood is hard work and immense bliss at the same time all swimming in love.
Whether you are a mother or not, whether you have been looking after kids or not you have your own understanding of motherhood.
To be a mother is one of my life-lasting callings.

Growing up as a little girl I never really thought much of motherhood. My mum is a very natural mum and paediatrician. So I grew up loving children.
I knew from a very early age how precious life is.
Until I met my man the thought of having any children hadn’t crossed my mind. Yes, motherhood is a choice.
Once my first boy was born I knew that my life has changed forever. From that day on I changed as well. I became much stronger and in a way also felt vulnerable as I had another precious life to take care of.

Now I am a mother of 4 amazing boys. 3 of them are turning onto increedible young men and the youngest is still a boy-just about to turn 5.
It is hard to imagine life without my kids and I am almost sure that it is possibly the same for every mother around the world.
To me personally, the hardest thing about being a mother is that I have to learn to LET GO.
It is something that I am constantly learning to do and it is something that causes me to choose to suffer sometimes, too.
Learning to let go of life before kids. Learning to let go of the baby stage and help your child to walk and dress independently.
I have to be there trusting the that the space I hold for them will support them.
There isn’t a parenting manual that fits all.
No book can teach how to love and care for your child.
You know that better than anyone else, but you also know that your child is constantly growing up and you have to “grow” with him or her as well.
Parenting is one of the best personal development courses ever. You learn patience, practising acceptance, dealing with jealousy, sadness, resentment, learning to read body language and know where everything is and countless other things.
You will learn when is time not to ask any question and simply be present, loving and serve the best plate of pasta bake/pizza/chocolate brownine/cinnamon roll/ curry or whatever is required.
You will become one of these people that simply knows things by intuition and you will start to become incredibly aware of your own instincts. Thrust them.
My main intention in bringing up my kids is to teach them well so they can be adaptive, kind and take care of themselves no matter what.
I am constantly working on keeping a strong relationship with them where we trust each other no matter what.
I achieve that mainly by being honest with them about everything. We talk very often and we let each other say exactly what we think of each other and how we feel about things.
It is a kind of family therapy, where we are the threapists.
I cry happy-sad tears almost every day-having to let go is hard, but holding on to what is not there is even harder. It’s simply beautiful.
What is the hardest thing for you about being a mother?
Be well and take care,
Lots of love,