Becoming Vegan

Real change takes time – Welcome to Heaven on Earth!

It takes a split of a second to make a decision and from there it is a journey. As a beginner vegan I can confirm that whole heatedly . At the moment educating myself about food and nutrition is my number one priority and it is the best thing. In the middle of all that there are people with far greater challenges, than mine. There are floods, fires, starvation, no electricity , no banking, no jobs and no opportunity for young people. There are millions of homeless people and humans currently slaughter about 1,600 mammals and birds every second for food while every day 25 95o people die of starvation . The resources used for military intervention and fear will be enough to subsidize the communities and help them build a sustainable food and water supply.heaven on earth

As Mother Teresa said” You wanna know what you can do for a world peace  -go home and love your family”. In that simple advice I can see the seed of change. When a child is loved , the child get used to living in a friednly univerce and as the child is growing up will continue to create a loving and friendly univerce. Heaven on Earth will come when every child is Loved.

Everything matters. Every single act of kindness lifts your energy higher and it is all relevant. Never forget that. Compassion and kindness start with where you are with what you have. You can not change the floods, the fires or the energy supply but you can create a universe where every child is loved and cared and peace

I believe it is all part of the journey of the human kind as a whole. Now when we look back on the  “holy” inquisition torture we are totally devastated of how humans were treating their fellow brothers and sisters. I do believe, that a time will come when the humans will look back on the military interventions and factory farming and think the same.I do hope we survive on the other side.

Just dedicate 5 minutes of your day, every day to create a Heaven on Earth and let it be.Your simple acts of kindness and compassion creates a ripple effect of rivers of love and waves of gratitude.

Mother Nature Loves you just the way you are and everything that is provided is to help you grow, learn and live.

Focus on Love. Listen to your Heart. You are a Miracle.

Welcome to Heaven on Earth!

Sending Blessings and Love

P.S This is day 55 of Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 180 days left of 2012

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