The true meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the circle of life.
To me personally Christmas is the time of reminding each other how precious life is. Where will we be without your friends and family. The quality of your life is based on the quality of your relationships, starting with the relationship with yourself. Celebrate yourself, celebrate each of your favorite people. Christmas is more than a new life. In order for a new life to come we must remember, that something has to die. It’s a simple law of Nature. There is no empty spaces and everything moves all the time.
Growing up in Bulgaria is one of my treasures. Apart from some summer jobs I never had to earn a living there and that has kept Bulgaria in my mind as the romantic and sentimental country.There is saying goes “Distance makes the heart grow founder.” That is truly true.
I lived in the same place until I was 18 and left home to study in the University of Sofia. During those years I remember very clearly how every year around the middle of December my dad will bring a real pine tree and we will put it in the coolest room or possibly in the hall so the needles won’t fall very easily. In those days it was never about the presents, it was more about getting together as we always do and cook and prepare food. The most amazing part is that you are never truly apart from the people, that you love no matter where they are.
All the memories from this time now make a beautiful bundle of precious things, which together bring that wonderful feeling of my Bulgarian home, that I carry with me everywhere. I bring it everywhere I go. It is not just my accent 🙂 It is in everything I do.
Will have to go now to make some more vegan chocolate truffles!
So enjoy your day and keep loving, sharing and caring!
Be well, be wild and enjoy the ride!
P.S I am writing a blog post a day for 365 days. This is day 5.