Connections and Love

Simple way to discover what you really want

They say that the happiest people make the conscious choice to discover what they really want. 

Realizing what you want is a path of self-discovery which will help you to know yourself better. Knowing yourself is one of the truest ways to live authentically and enjoy this wonderful ride called life. 

Today’s post is inspired by the 30-day Blogging Challenge which I am stretching very nicely at day 3.

So my take on that is to share with you a very simple technique that can help you discover what you want. It is easy to make a decision and act on it when you are true to yourself. 

When you are authentic you do stuff with gusto and you would be less likely to lose motivation. 

As they say, the quality of your life is the quality of the questions that you ask.

If you keep asking yourself “what is it I need”: “what is it I am supposed to be doing” you put yourself into a needy and almost powerless position.

Take your time to start with the understanding that YOU KNOW THE ANSWER.

Even if you just imagine that you know the answer you would give yourself a better chance to realize it. 

This is where I have to mention again the importance of your internal monologue and what you say to yourself.

Your first step is to let go of the need to know what you really want.

As you live your life you are consciously or subconsciously having preferences. You can play the game of what you don’t want and pay attention to what you don’t like or resent.

Play the game of opposites. Take the time to figure out why things really bother you. Figuring out the details why you don’t want something can help you find what it is you want. 

Focus on the feelings that something that you do, or have gives you. Identifying the negative feeling will help you to discover the positive. If you are bored and insecure it is very likely that you would like to be inspired and secure. 

The next step forward is to become neutral towards what you are doing and move on by asking yourself the simple question. “What do I want?”. Be prepared to not know the answer and nevertheless ask yourself the question.

One of the keys here is to know what is important for you. When something is important for you you will make it happen and you will want it, too.

The real you don’t care about social media, Google and what is trending on eBay this month. The so-called “your true-self” simply is. And that part of you knows what is it that you really want.

Tap into your inner voice and listen.

  • What are the things that you want to do?
  • What is important for you?
  • What makes you forget to eat or drink?

You can make a decision on what you want in a heartbeat. Once you make the decision you will find a way to make it happen.

Here is another bomb-You won’t know what you want until you do it.

It could take you a lifetime to discover it, or it could take you a year. There is no formula.

“The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.”

Alan Watts

The most important thing is to keep growing, to keep taking action and making a difference in some way, even if it is for just one person at the time.

Simply start right now and don’t settle. If you are not growing you are dieing.

Thank you so much for reading this far. If you are on Instagram follow me @mothernaturelovesyou. I will follow back!

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