
Welcome the Winter Solstice

winter solticeThe Winter Solstice marks the end of the darkest days of winter and it is also a promise, that in the few months to come the earth will wake up from the deep winter. This is the time when we bring evergreen trees in our homes and light up candles to feel that connection with nature, which some how is ever present. 

Personally I love this feeling of new and fresh. I am constantly reinventing myself and recreating myself and I also encourage you to do the same. Peel by peel remove habits, that don’t serve you, thoughts, that waste your energy and activities, that leave you unfulfilled. 

Nature is a perfect example, that change happens slowly and it’s constant. If you want to see change in your life you have to be willing to do the marathon. Real change takes time. Daily small actions taken over period of time will change your life. What you do daily truly defines you and also detriments the results, that you will get. 

I don’t believe in an overnight success. Overnight success takes dedication,sacrifice of some form. I believe, that everything in life is an exchange of something else.It is simple law of Nature, that is here to stay. If you want to be beamed with a warm spring light and feel the soft breeze you have to enjoy the winter’s cold bite and wind. 

The laws of nature work all the time. No matter what you do and how much you try to stop the change in your life.,it is happening right now. The circle of life includes death and everything in between. The main thing is to remember to enjoy the seasons. 

Just don’t force summer to come into a winter’s day. Welcome the winter. Sleep more, rest better, stay in a dark room just with a candle light on or some other soft light. If you have a fireplace light it up and simply enjoy it. Eat warm and earthy foods and enjoy deep and rich teas. Add a bit of wine in them every now and again. 

Seasons in life are happening all the time. Every body feels pain in their own way. Everybody feels wellness in their own way. It’s a tricky business to be alive and create your own kind of balance. I believe we need it all. All the pain,all the discomfort, all the happiness and all the wellness. We can not know one without knowing the other.

And it is exactly the same with the seasons how can we possibly feel the fresh warmth of spring if we haven’t felt the freezing cold of winter. One can not be fully felt without the other. 

So simply embrace it and take time and take heart to be in your season. If you are having winter remember the promise,that spring will be here. 

P.S I am intending to do a post a day for 365 days. Blogging daily for a year. In the last few months I failed miserably in a few challenges, that didn’t feel right and I didn’t complete them.I strongly believe, that you are what you do daily while you are making big plans for the future. So as well as cooking yummy vegan dishes, looking after my men, our house, myself and everything else in between I want to make this work. Blogging daily for a year. 

Thank you so much for your love and support.


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  1. Motion creates emotion says:

    […] I have decided to do a post a day for 365 days, I have been focusing my mind to think in a form of blog posts. Mainly I have been thinking about […]

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