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15 Pool Safety Points

15 Pool Safety Points

Swimming at your local pool is an exciting day for your kids, but it is also a time to keep the following fifteen points in mind so that everyone stays safe.

local pool safety

First of all, always obey the lifeguard. The lifeguard is in charge of keeping everyone safe, but you can do your part to make his or her job easier;

  • No diving in the shallow end. There is a real chance you could hurt your head and your neck by slamming into the pool’s concrete bottom, so beware;
  • No running on deck. You could slip and fall on the wet surface, and possibly break a bone;
  • No jumping off of the pool ladders. These are used only for getting in and out of the water;
  • No dunking. This is dangerous and needs no further explanation;
  • Always keep your eyes on your little ones, or better yet stay right beside them. The lifeguard has enough people to keep up with and cannot focus entirely on your child;
  • Keep your fingers and toes away from all drains and suction inlets. There have been a number of reported incidents where children have gotten fingers and toes stuck in these openings, and this must be avoided;
  • Don’t swim in areas where others are coming into the pool via a water slide or a diving board. Those using the slides and boards have no control over where they are going once they launch, and if you are in their path a collision may happen. You are the one who needs to stay back;
  • Don’t jump in near others. This is more than being just considerate. There is a real risk of injury if you jump in on top of somebody else. You may want to jump in close to a friend to splash them, don’t;
  • If you hear thunder, immediately exit the water. Where there is thunder, most often lightning will follow. Remember, you are in a conductor for electricity if you remain in the water;
  • Never run and jump in. This is very tempting, but again there is a real chance you could slip and fall on the wet pool decking;
  • Always drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. This is especially true on a very hot summer day;
  • Move out of the way of those who may be swimming a lap and be unaware of your presence. Any collision could be hurtful, especially to someone who is surprised by the impact;
  • And, finally, a rule that we all heard growing up, and a rule which has been dismissed more recently as an old wives tale: Always wait thirty minutes after eating before you enter the pool. Yes, there is a chance you Keep your little ones safe around your local pool area with the above swimming pool safety points.
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