Connections and Love,Easy Vegan Recipes,What do vegans eat?

My secret ingredient in the kitchen is

LOVE. I love cooking for the boys. It is that sweet feeling, that they are eating something that I made with love. This is the secret ingredient in everything I cook . I cook with Love.On a cellular level I make the food that bit extra nourishing. It is believed, that if a mother feeds her baby when she is angry the baby will get sick.I believe that is important what energy you put on the food while you eating it, but this is only your final chance to add that bit extra to it.

Becoming a vegan has woken me up to so many wonderful flavours and combinations. I am overwhelmed by the abundance of food . When I was a meat eater every dinner time was revolving around the kind of meat that has been eaten and what vegetables go with it. But now all that is gone for me.I am new to being vegan and sometimes when I think of myself of a meat eater is like looking at somebody else on a movie screen. Strange, but true. It was , I suppose a part of my journey.

I love tomatoes . I even have a pot with a tomato plant in the garden which is starting to ripe slowly and surely . I am so happy to see it grow, but I will take photo of it another time as it’s dark here already.Tomatoes are one of the most versatile fruit ,even if you always find it at the vegetable isle in the supermarket, but that is OK.As long as it’s there. Sun-dried tomatoes have a special place to me. I just love the name.-Sun -dried- tomatoes .Those tomatoes have been soaking up the sun on one of my favourite parts of the world , feeling the rain there and blown by the winds from the blue-green waters….easy vegan recipes

I culd’t go to Italy to buy some sun dried tomatoes grown under the Tuscany sun, but thank goodness I can buy them here.To put  my touch on them I like to leave them for a few days in my own recipe of marinate-I use the water of organic Kalamata olives and olive oil -as green as possible. Then leave them in the fridge for a day or so . They are  perfect combination for my own home made Irish vegan soda bread. I found it on Hungry Gnomes  and I love it.

Here is what you need 2 cups of organic  flour

1 cup of organic rice milk

2 table spoons of vinegar

1 table spoon of sugar

1 table spoon of salt

1 table spoon of soda

some poppy seeds (optional)

First mix all the flour , soda, salt, sugar and poppy seeds together. In another bowl pour the milk and add the vinegar. I only had ordinary white vinegar and added a bit of lemon juice.Get your whisk and whisk that as speedy as you can for a nice foamy mixture, that you will add to the dry ingredients. Mix with a wooden spoon or with your hands.Don’t forget to add Love, while you are making it. You should get a floppy floury dough. Then take your baking tray. I used ceramic dish and it’s perfect. Put your baking paper and then the bread. Bake on 180 for approx. 30-35 minutes. It’s ready when a cocktail stick comes dry when pierced with it.easy vegan recipes

There is nothing like home cooking done with love.Those little things makes all the difference. One of my favourite moments is when my boys tell me “Mummy I love your food” or ” Your rice is so nice”… is not my food or my rice but because I cooked it it’s very special.

Sending blessings and Love

P.S This is day 77 of Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 151 days left of 2012.

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