Mother Nature Loves You,Self Love

Little things in Life

Today I was listening to a talk by one of my favourite people Dr.Wayne Dyer called “Wishes Fulfilled”.As always he delivers very inspirational words and so many other things to think about. One of the stories , that stuck in my mind is the fact than when he writes he puts 3 white sheets of paper and lights up 3 candles. So I have my take on that -Cinnamon scented candles . One of them is in a candle holder, that Steli made, the other one is a candle holder from one of my favourite places -Greece and the other one is a little plate where I keep little shells from the Bulgarian Black sea and the Irish sea. I love the feeling of that set up and the smell of cinnamon.

Those little things in life sometimes make all the difference. I like to enjoy an hour reading on the Kindle , or a long chat with a friend, I like to let Ari brush my hair or Steli to massage my feel. I like to dip my feet into the foot spa …….Sometimes all I need is 20 minutes of silence and some candle light

Sending Blessings and Love

 P.S This is day 78 of Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 150 days left of 2012.

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