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Modern Parenting

5 Unexpected Benefits of Playing Online Video Games

Playing online video games is an activity that gets a fair bit of a bad reputation. This concept is further encouraged by the constant strive for “reducing screen time” and the so-called “digital detox”.  Nevertheless, sitting in front of an online game and engaging with it has some surprising benefits. These include stress relief, problem-solving skills and healthy brain stimulation.

From classic maze games to more strategic ones there is an incredible amount of choice in free online games

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Playing online games is amongst the most popular fun times for adults and kids all over the world. It has been chosen as a preferred “screen time” for your adults. Did you know that in the UK alone 20 million people play video games on a regular basis and the numbers continue to grow?

Before you say no to playing video games here are some of the unexpected and wonderful benefits of playing online games.

1.Games can teach everyone, including your kids to become a problem solver.

Before you get your child to like accounting or computer science you can simply get them to play some online games.  This will get their brain into solution-oriented mode. Learning to think and make decisions promptly is a great real-life skill. Strategic games sometimes take minutes to solve and sometimes they are a multilevel maze of decisions and problem-solving options. This type of games boosts creativity as well as get them to think fast to win the game. 

2. Playing games is a form of relaxation 

Non-complicated games, that are easy to access can help players relax and improve their mood. A large study regarding video games done states: “If playing video games simply makes people happier, this seems to be a fundamental emotional benefit to consider”. Players learn to handle ongoing failure and winning which build emotional resilience which is a priceless skill in everyone’s life.

3.Video games may help improve your eye-sight

Video games that are “action” orientated can help with a specific eye function, called contrast sensitivity. Games, that involve tracking more than one object are especially beneficial. This skill improves the person’s ability to drive at night. Playing a game on a grey background, where you have to identify a coloured object, will also help you be a better driver in the dark.

4. Playing video games can improve focus and attention 

Teenagers have a short attention span.  Our capability to focus on a task, that we enjoy doing is obvious, too. Playing online video games includes perception, attention to detail and also the ability to focus on a particular task over a period of time.

5. Playing Video games may help improve your memory 

Playing video games online can help your cognitive function. Also, a study done in Universitat Oberta de Catalunya in Barcelona showed some amazing results. People who played video games as children showed greater improvements in their working memory than those who didn’t.

So overall video games are a fun way to spend your time, that it is also good for you.

They provide easy access to fun activity, that will help you and your kids keep your brain sharp and improve your focus and attention span in the process.

Choose an easy to access games, that don’t require software download and you can access them on your phone or tablet. Here is a place online where you can choose from a wide variety of games. Click here to get started.


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