Connections and Love

Can you really be happy for no reason? (opinion)

Can you really be happy for no reason? This evening as I was looking at my news feed on Facebook I saw this quote.
“Be happy for no reason, like a child.If you are a happy for a reason , you are in trouble, because that reason can be taken from you.” I can’t stop thinking about that , because I disagree with it in a way.Kids are happy because in 90% of their time they do what they love , what is fun and what they feel like . Its a game. I love this game. I have been playing this game lately , but I do have a long way to go . Its worth the effort.

Some may say, that that is what the “ego” would say, because no matter what you have the “ego” wants more. But how about if you feel, that you are not present enough, or not content enough is that because of the “ego” again.

Say you want a cup of tea and you go and make one or even better, someone else makes it for you. In the moment of you sipping of your nice aromatic tea you feel happy for the simple reason of satisfying the need to have some tea. You fulfilled the need and the need is gone. Then you feel like reading, or going out , or cooking or sleeping. You take steps to make this reality and you are happy.

You make your reasons to be happy. Yes, there is a time and a place to just be, but in every day life when I am running around the boys, doing house work or whatever I don’t really see myself just siting. I only do that before I drift to sleep. Most of the time I read, blog, cook, tidy, walk and in those activities I feel immense happiness.

I like being happy for a reason. I don’t  really think , that anybody can take my feeling of presence and activity.Life is full of amazing gifts and all you have to do to enjoy their abundance is to be present. I understand, that we are beings, but what we do is also a part of that being, it’s an expression of love, compassion and faith.

Some people only look at what you do and there is also a very famous saying, that action speaks louder than words.Why? Because your “doings” are expressions of your “Being”.

So to be happy for no reason sounds good and it makes sense if you think, that a pair of boots or a new dress will make you happy. Yes, they will give you a little boost and make you feel better, but to be happy you have to find your  little drops of satisfaction in everything, that you do.

Be grateful for the cold weather, so you can appreciate a warm coat and a cosy room.I  love doing things with enthusiasm and passion.

I live for the moment and I find millions reasons to be happy. Its a game I play and it works. Feeling happy for the reason I am a being, that I  like to be active. Active and enthusiastic and doing everything with love, compassion and faith.

So yes, do feel happy, but find your own reasons within or sometimes outside. Just flow in the this miracle of Life. Let it Be and Be Yourself .

Sending Blessings and Love

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