Becoming Vegan,Vegan Books

Cool gifts for your vegan friends

Cool gifts for your vegan friends
If you happen to be vegan yourself, then you will most probably have no problems finding the appropriate and cool gifts for your other vegan friends. However, if you have not yet decided to become vegan yourself, you may not know what an appropriate gift would be, since there is still very little to be found about this particular issue in mainstream media and since there are many fits that might seem suitable but that, actually, are not. vegan cookbooks
1. Cookbooks

There used to be a time when you had to go searching for a vegan cookbook under a candle light for days and still not find a single one. These days the situation is very different and there are plenty of great vegan cookbooks that you may buy for your vegan friends. These range from the more general ones, like for example Vegan with a Vengeance: Over 150 Delicious, Cheap, Animal-Free Recipes That Rock. For vegan friends who lead a busy lifestyle, you may do better with The 30-Minute Vegan: Over 175 Quick, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes for Everyday Cooking. All of these come with a whole lot  delicious vegan meals that your friends (and you) will enjoy.
2. Gift Baskets
There are more and more companies and little local businesses that will let you order various gift baskets for your vegan friends for a whole variety of various occasions. For instance, you can order to have a fruit basket delivered to them for their birthday or any other special occasion. Or, if they have more of a traditional sweet tooth, you might want to send them a box of vegan chocolate. If you want to go in a different direction from food, you might want to get them a gift basket with beauty products, Beauty Without Cruelty Fragrance Free Hand & Body Lotion, for instance.
3. Shoes, Clothes and Accessories

This is one of the more difficult ones to find, especially if you want to be 100% sure (and you want) that the brand you have your eye on is definitely cruelty-free and animal-free. The good news is that there are more and more different outfitters opening their doors which sell only vegan-friendly clothes, such as The Vegan Store or Alternative Outfiters.

4. Adopt an animalpresents for vegans
Your vegan friends will be more than psyched about a gift of adoption, where you pay to have an animal adopted in various sanctuaries. This way, you will be sponsoring a rescued animal on their behalf. These sanctuaries will make sure that the animal is kept from hurt, that they are fed, housed and checked regularly by veterinarians. In most of these places visitations are possible and your friends will be able to visit the animals that they rescued through you.
5. Informative material

Here, we are talking about various documentaries, books, DVDs and other sources of information from which more can be learned about the vegan lifestyle, the politics behind it and much more about the way of life that more and more people are, fortunately for the planet, are adopting. You can find a wide variety of such material and it will make for great party viewing and discussions.

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