Easy Vegan Recipes- 30 Day Vegan Blogging Challenge,What do vegans eat?

Easy Vegan Recipes -30 day Vegan Blogging Challenge – sun fever and green vegetables

Today was a glorious sunny day.As I am writhing this post for the Vegan Blogging Challenge I feel a slight sun fever, which I love.

Living in Northern Ireland means that you have to make the most of he sunny weather , because when its nice its really nice and you never know what would be like tomorrow.

That meant another day with very little cooking . Today was a perfect day to have my frozen Moroccan Style burgers from Sainsbury’s . You just get days like this . You have less than an hour to cook , eat and get ready to go out , so that is when I use the frozen stuff.easy vegan recipes

Apart from love the other most important ingredient in my vegan cooking are green vegetables. The fresher you have them the better and raw when possible. They carry the pure energy from the Sun.Chlorophyll is a magical component and pure energy.So no matter what I cook with love I always add some green leafy vegetable to it.

Today I made a very simple veggie kebab.

Here is what you need

  • 2 veggie burgers (I used Moroccan style from Sainsbury’s )
  • 1 onion
  • 1 cooked beetroot
  • some watercress and spinach
  • 1 celery stick
  • a pinch of sea salt and pepper
  • wholemeal pita
  • lemon juice
  • basil

So here is what you do. First chop the onion and cook it  in a pan with some olive oil , paprika and salt.Let it cook in a very low heat for about 5-8 minutes until the onions are very soft .Cook your burgers from frozen in the oven.easy vegan recipes

Next slice the beetroot and make a quick salad in another bowl .Simply chop all the celery, watercress and spinach and season with lemon juice and basil. Mix well . Then simply make the kebabs.


That’s it for today my friends , I am so looking forward to my bed now. Thank you so much for your love and support.

Lots of Love ,


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