mother nature loves you
Connections and Love,Everything is Energy,Mother Nature Loves You

I am here.I am alive.I am blessed .I am grateful.

How wonderful it is to be just sitting, relaxing on the sofa, warm and comfort and love. There is no need to look at the time, everybody is at home doing what they like. Just a perfect Saturday night. To be with you favourite people is heaven. I do believe , that heaven is a feeling and a state of mind. You can choose where you are in your heart.

The most amazing awareness comes when you are truly in the moment and you are fully present. You are not thinking in your mind what you have to do tomorrow or what is the “to do” list for the next week, you are not thinking about the pile of clothes that need sorted, or of some books, that have to put on shelves…the list can go on.

Pure relaxation comes when you are present . Just in the moment” the only moment there is”, as Eckhart Tolle would say. I was at his talk at the RDS in Dublin two years ago, but to this day I remember clearly the state, that that experience brought to me. His presence and voice and energy are remarkable, I still would watch some of his videos, or read some of his articles. Seeing him live takes all that to another level.

I also intend to see Dr. Wayne Dyer in the next year or so. I admire his voice and wisdom.

Thinking about that now has taking me out of the present moment, because one has happened in the past and the other situation is in the future.

I am coming back to the present moment. I can feel the comfort of my soft cardigan and the warmth of the heating. I feel the presence of my youngest boy sitting beside me and the other two playing in their rooms.Looking outside the window the street lights are on so bright and yellow and the leaves are gently falling of the branches. I am here.I am alive.I am blessed .I am grateful.Sending Blessings and LoveSending Blessings and Love ♥

P.S This is part 2-day 21-(after 91 days) of Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 86 days left of 2012.

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