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No Green Eggs Or Ham: A Vegan Parody (Valen The Vegan Dinosaur Book 2) by Flora Lee

I am very pleased to introduce to a book called No green Eggs or Ham. This wonderfully written Dr.Seuss parody is a way to present veganism to kids.

Available in English and Spanish from Amazon

Personally, I feel akward talking to kids about veganism.

The thing is: I like to be truthful without upsetting people no matter what age they are, but especially kids.

My youngest son hasn’t asked me any questions about food yet, but I know this time will come. I feel that is vitally important I am well prepared for this moment.

Reading “No Green Eggs or Ham” has made me realise that by stating the facts simply and truthfully is the best way forward. Kids are naturally smart and I do hope that I can do a good job of educating my son and anyone else who wants to know about veganism.

Prior to going vegan, my thoughts regarding animal products and animal flesh were completely different. I didn’t realize the deep conditioning that we all grew up with in order to accept it as normal. To me, it was very easy to become vegan, as my dad killed most of the animals we ate in our family and I witness some of it. At the time it was so normal and totally unacceptable for me to do anything else.

Knowing what I know now I want to invite more people to look into their purchase choices. At the same time being demanding and critical is not the way forward. Being vegan is not just about what you eat, it is a lifestyle where you choose to avoid using anything that comes from animals.

The best way, in my opinion, is to speak when people want to know. When kids ask questions I will answer almost in the same way a
Vegan Brontosaurus. His style is truthful, friendly and very funny.

This is one of the titles that the lovely people from the Vegan Club House have created. They are working on their website which will be launched very soon. In the meantime, you can follow them on Twitter.

To look inside and purchase any of their books click here to visit their Amazon store.

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