Raw Food Detox,Why Raw Food?

Raw Vegan Detox Day 18 -The most important thing when you are doing a detox(opinion)

This is day 18 nearly over of the raw vegan detox. I felt  inspired to talk to you about what is the most important thing when you are doing a detox.Here is a quick video with my opinion.

So this is it according to me. Once you set your mind on something you will get it done , whatever it takes. You will also find that even the circumstances around you will support you in your journey. For example I got the gift of the most amazing reiki  healing sessions shortly after my detoxifying symptoms were at their peak .Those sessions alone could not have happened in any better time for me.

raw vegan salad
fennel citrus salad

I am also so lucky to have a salad master machine to cut and slice all the food. I am so grateful for the juicer and blender, without them I would have been lost too.ra vegan detox

I know , that once you make a decision to do something you will. Your mind is the most powerful tool, that you have. Set a clear intention and make it happen.

Its incredible that the results happen so fast when you are detoxifying , or at least that how it is with me. My intuition is even stronger, my clarity and awareness is amazing.My energy levels are incredible , I sleep so well…… I can’t believe how confident and driven I have become.

Anybody can do anything , once you set your mind on it.

Thank you so much for being here and all your support and love.
Sending Blessings and Love

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