Have you heard of the Five Mother Sauces of Classical Cuisine( béchamel, Espagnole, hollandaise, tomato, and veloute?
Before I went vegan I knew that no matter what type of food I am cooking the Magic is in the sauce.
Now there is no butter, cream or bone broth to go into my sauces. Now it is all about creating rich, savoury, creamy and delicious sauces vegan style.

Recently I came across a fellow vegan- Danielle Arsenault, the founder of Pachavega Living Foods Education, is a lover of many things. She is a passionate Raw Food Chef, Spanish teacher, outdoor enthusiast, mountain lover, cookbook author, humanitarian, environmentalist, vegan and plant-based nutrition expert and lifestyle coach. It is her dream to educate the world about the healing power of plant-based whole foods and a healthy lifestyle rooted in compassion for the planet.
My favourite thing about Danielle is that she has created a wonderful collection of raw sauces. They are inspired by her travels around the world and her understanding of nutrition, tastes and textures.
Heal and Ignite; 55 Raw, Plant-Based, Whole Food, Recipes to Heal your Body and Ignite your Spirit!
Every ingredient is bursting with goodness and satisfaction, but when combined together into a sauce it becomes it brings a magical addition to a number of basic dishes, and salads.

To me, this little book is only a sparkle of what you can do with all the fruits and buts and seeds and vegetables and fruits that there are. The magic is in the sauce, but there are so much more to discover.
Visit Panchega Living Foods Education and feel inspired for your next dish.