“Why am I born?”” What I am here for?” Meaning and purpose in life have a critical meaning to most people. The questions “why am I born?” lead each person to endless gathering of thoughts and feelings about their life.One of the most amazing women on this planet today Caroline Myss said, that this is not a question -its a prayer.
You are a complex being with a mind, a body and a soul . To be alive means to experience pure cooperation of those 3 components. Look into your being as a whole compilation of energy, sound and aliveness. Brake the rules into your desire to heal. Listen to yourself .Pray silently to the creation , that have us here , call that creation whatever your heart desire. You have all the answers.Let it be.
Intuition is the most powerful healing tool and we are all born with it. So sometimes you will get a feeling-I should do this, I should do that .Let your being guide you .Everybody is intuitive.Your greatest suffering comes from not listening to your inner self and you constantly put it down. Don’t say what you don’t mean. Follow your own path and your own heart. But we are all guilty of doing the opposite. That’s the voice , that hurts. That’s what real guidance feels like. Tune to yourself. This is not in your mind.Your mind is powerless without your body and soul.
Deeper healing comes when you are in tune with your heart and soul.When your thinking , feeling and being are in harmony you are unstoppable . Mind-Body-Soul cooperation is the most powerful energy source known. Live it.
Become madly in Love with the Life, that you are living. You are powerful beyond your imagination.
Sending blessings and Love
P.S This is day 33 of Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 206 days left of 2012.