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Tips for Teaching Your Children Good Posture

Tips for Teaching Your Children Good Posture
Bad posture has been associated with more than back pain. It leads to respiratory problems and interferes with the functioning of internal organs. It is wise to teach your children the correct posture in order for them to maintain a healthy spine. An upright posture speaks volumes. It’s a show of pride and self-confidence. It is vital to practice the following tips for teaching your children good posture as a measure to ensure that your children do not suffer from the health risks associated with poor posture.

Exercise for Good Posture



Exercise for Good Posture
The abdominal muscles support our back and spine. It is vital to ensure that they are strong all the time. Exercise is the best way to strengthen these muscles to ensure that you child is able to maintain an upright posture. Research on the simple exercises for strengthening back muscles. Teach your children to put their hands above their heads and stretch every morning and walking them to school or back from school is another simple back strengthening muscle exercise.


The Upright device for Good Posture

The Upright device for Good Posture
Bad posture is the root cause of most back problems. Instead for waiting to see you children suffer from this pain in their adulthood, you should buy them this device to ensure they remain upright. The device is placed on the lower back. Fitted with hypo-allergenic adhesive, it can sense poor posture and it vibrates when the posture worsens. The silicone made device is light in weight and small in size making it portable. It is also easy to use and relatively affordable. When connected to a mobile app, the device will allow you to analyse your child’s posture, set daily goals and generally monitor your child without necessarily being around them all the time.


Provide your children with equipment that enables good posture
It is vital for you to know the activities that take up most of your children’s time and how they relate to posture. For example, you can provide them with a yoga ball or a good supportive chair for doing homework. Encourage them to take small breaks after every twenty minutes to stretch their backs. An adjustable chair, monitor and keyboard tray are vital if your children use a computer. In case you have one computer for the whole family, teach all your children to adjust the monitor and chair to their height.
Generally, ensure that while carrying out their daily activities, your kids understand how to maintain a good posture. Backpacks should be carried by both straps to ensure even distribution of weight. While siting, they should always rest both of their feet on the ground and if they are not tall enough, you should provide them with a foot rest. You should always provide them with good supportive footwear.
As a parent, you need to know that your children will always follow your example. Lead by example, practice all the tenets of good posture and your kids will learn from you. Sit and walk right and your children will inevitably be motivated to do the same.

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