Easy Vegan Recipes,What do vegans eat?

Vegan burger recipe

This evening I am   very inspired to cook something spicy. I felt like I want to rediscover the best vegan burger recipe.So I open the fridge and there were those beautiful red chilies , so I thought this is it. I am putting them in my vegan burger   . Red chilies are packed with some of the most amazing  health benefits. Chilies are not for everyone, but if they are for you then you would like the vegan burgers.

Chili peppers have amazingly high levels of vitamins and minerals. Just 100 g provides (in % of Recommended daily allowance)


240% of vitamin-C (Ascorbic acid),
39% of vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine),
32% of vitamin A,
13% of iron,
14% of copper,
7% of potassium.

In addition to that they are the magic ingredient in my vegan burgers. It is very simple recipe and tastes divine. I had my son Stellios helping me to present the dinner and this is how he put it on the plate. 
So this is vegan bean burger served with avocado, mange tout and celery. If you want you can add a few fried potatoes, but it’s not essential. It is a wonderful combination and I will be making it again. So here it what you need for you burger
1 cup of boiled broad beans(I normally soak them over night and change the water and then they boil very fast)
2 slices of whole meal bread
2 small red chilies( if you do not like you food too spicy, just use one)Remember to remove the seeds, as your burger will be even hotter 😉
3 bits of sun dried tomatoes
1 teaspoon of thyme
1 teaspoon of basil
2 spoonfuls of milled flax seeds
salt and pepper

Blend all that and make the burgers with wet hands.I cooked them in the grill in the oven and they came out moist , rich and incredibly tasty. I do like a bit of spice. The avocado compliments the burger perfectly with its nutty coolness. 

Over all this vegan burger recipe was a complete success and I will be making it over and over again. You can add any other crunchy vegetables to go with it as well I just happened to have mange tout and celery.It works well, but I thing a bit of cucumber might be nice as well.

Sending Blessings and Love ♥


P.S This is part 2-day 18-(after 91 days) of Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 90 days left of 2012.

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