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Why Its Time to Say Goodbye to the Ego When Overcoming a Challenge

Has your ego been bruised lately? If it has, you are certainly not alone. According to Sigmund Freud, the ego is that part of your personality that prevents you from acting on your most basic urges and it also helps you achieve a balance between your moral and idealistic standards.
While that might sound confusing, we all know how easily our egos can get hurt. You could think of your ego as a separate part of your personality. Sometimes you ego can help you, but other times it can hurt you.
Your ego loves to mess with you. The ego thrives on having power and control. The ego might also love playing the victim, making you feel worse. The ego can be self-centered and greedy, and it can drive you to the point of craziness.
The ego can cause you to become delusional, especially when you are trying to overcome a challenge. One of the best things you can do when going through a challenge is to say goodbye to your precious ego.
When you say goodbye to your ego, even if only temporarily, it can be very freeing. When you let go of your ego, you open up your energy to bigger and better things. Letting go of your ego allows you to transcend things like emotional attachments, other people’s perceptions, and their judgments of you.
When you detach from your ego, the ego loses it power over you and this is one of the best reasons to let it go. Letting go of your ego also allows you to get in touch with your higher self, or that part of you that connects you to spirit.
When you connect with your higher self either through meditation or other spiritual pursuits, you may receive valuable insights about your life and you may even gain a better understanding of your life choices and your life plan and how it all fits in within the Divine Plan.

Why Its Time to Say Goodbye to the Ego When Overcoming a Challenge
This understanding will give you peace and a sense of purpose. The truth comes from connecting with your higher self, which is actually located within you as you follow your inner guidance.
Each of is connected with and part of a greater whole, a bigger picture, a sort of Universal Consciousness. We are all part of a greater reality above and beyond our own. Just as a single droplet of water becomes one with the ocean, your individual consciousness becomes one with something much bigger than you can see. Letting go of the ego allows you to view your life from a much broader focus.
This divine field of energy connects us all, and it allows us to transcend and be a part of something much greater than self, which is actually located within you as you follow your inner guidance.

Each of is connected with and part of a greater whole, a bigger picture, a sort of Universal Consciousness. We are all part of a greater reality above and beyond our own. Just as a single droplet of water becomes one with the ocean, your individual consciousness becomes one with something much bigger than you can see. Letting go of the ego allows you to view your life from a much broader focus.

This divine field of energy connects us all, and it allows us to transcend and be a part of something much greater than ourselves. When overcoming challenges, it’s easy to get your feelings hurt. Sometimes you have to put aside your ego, for the sake of healing.

Everyone faces challenges and difficulties in life and no one gets out unscathed. Going through a difficult process can give you strength and tenacity and it can give you a lot more appreciation for your life.

Every challenge gives you a new opportunity to transform and to change. Every time you overcome a challenge, you become a more loving and compassionate person. It may not feel like it at the time, but facing challenges can be empowering.

When you can learn to free yourself from your ego, you release yourself from the armor that surrounds you. Doing so allows you to free yourself from vanity and pride as well. If you are facing a challenge, one of best things you can do for yourself is to release your attachment to your ego.

Your ego can produce feelings of insecurity and inferiority – which is not healthy. Releasing yourself from this protective shell, allows you to embrace your true self as you release yourself from others opinions and judgments.

When you can learn to fully embrace yourself, for all your flaws and eccentricities, you will begin to realize how beautiful the light of your soul really is.

Letting go of your ego allows you to release limiting beliefs that you used to hold true. When you have overcome a challenge, there may be a big learning curve as you walk a new path. When you release your ego, you allow a new you to come forth, a healthier you.


While your ego does have positive qualities, sometimes you have to say goodbye to it, so you can find out your true strengths.

Hilary Neiman


Hilary Neiman is the author of, Things Fall Apart.  She works as a personal crisis  strategist at:  www.HilaryNeimanNetwork.com .          

You can follow Hilary Neiman on Twitter.              

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