how to promote veganism
Becoming Vegan

3 ways to be a Virtual Activist for Veganism and how not to get lost in the Vegan Soap Opera ? #10

Why go vegan? I haven’t taken the time yet to go deeply into my reasons simply because being vegan to me feels the most natural approach to life. It is based on the understanding, that animals suffer and humans thrive on fruits, vegetables, nuts , seeds and legumes. In different stages my vegan journey I went through the “evangelical” stage , where I almost felt , that in order to help others I have to explain all the time why they should go vegan. Looking back into those moments I realized, that this approach never worked for me. Talking about food choices for most people touches very deeply rooted habits and conditioning, that had happen well before they were able to to promote veganism


Click here to join the hangout . Starts at 9 p.m EST.

Most people associate celebrations and special occasions from their childhood with certain flavors and traditions and replacing them with new ones might not be the best approach for everyone.

As a time went by the best and most inviting way to promote the vegan message to me became the food path, where as well as health and easy vegan recipes I started to share information about our relationship with food and the health benefits from eating fruits and vegetables and also including variety of spices. Here is today’s video where i share 3 ways to promote Veganism and also I would like to invite you our hangout this evening where me and other vegan leaders will be talking different ways to promote veganism and get paid for it.Click on the play button to watch it.



Click here to join the hangout . Starts at 9 p.m EST.

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