Becoming Vegan

Vegane Kinder-How a vegan mother can make a difference

“We are what we repeatedly do, excellence is not an act, it’s a habit.”

These words, said by one of the greatest minds, are a daily recurrence in my mind. It’s the simplest of things that we do daily, that shapes us as human beings. With our daily habits we also make a difference. The choices that vegan mothers create a ripple effect,

I was watching videos on You Tube and I came across a vegan mother. Her name is Manuela Renner and she already shared one of her vegan recipes on this blog. Manuela  is based in Rheinfelden, Germany.

I can relate to her in so many ways. She lives with her omnivore husband in Germany and have a child. The child sees people eating meat.

Showing to kids why vegans don’t eat or use any animal products is very challenging when not everyone in the family is vegan.

We live in a world where it is socially acceptable to eat animal flesh and it is also encouraged, which makes the job of any vegan mother even harder.

As well as that we live in a world where animal activism uses guilt and pity as a propaganda strategy. Personally I am not sure that these strategies are helping other people to make more vegan choices. A lot of the videos that you can see on YouTube are horrific. There is this total disconnect that exists in a way kids are educated to love and pet some animals and happily eat others.

So what does a vegan mother do? 

We can fight the world and fool ourselves that we will wake up in a vegan world. Real change take time and happens from within.

What Manuela is doing is simple and yet very powerful. Manuela has found a way to help and make a difference by creating child friendly videos. As I have mentioned before, nearly all of the vegans grew up eating animal flesh and nearly all of them at some point made a decision to become vegan for their own reasons.

Manuela’s video channel is focused on one of the most important part of being vegan and that is educating children. This is a challenging and very sensitive subject, because explaining to kids how some animals end up in the supermarket can cause trauma. Manuela had noticed that most videos are not suitable for children and that is the main inspiration behind the videos she has made. 

Her videos are in German and English, but the animation is done very well so kids can understand what the video is about even if they don’t speak any of the two languages.

I also find it challenging at times to explain to kids why I don’t eat animals or why I feel so guilty when I see them eating pizza. We do live in a non-vegan world and the only way to help our kids is by educating them in the most loving and kind way possible so they know that they can choose not to eat animal flesh or use any other products that come from animals.

Vegane Kinder is dedicated and suitable for children channel, but as a vegan mother myself I feel that this channel is also for me. Here is the playlist in English, titled “Vegan animated videos for kids”.




Manuela has made videos about vegan books for kids. All of her work explains in a suitable for the young minds way, why not to use leather, why circuses are bad, why not to eat fish, why not to eat meat just to name a few.The videos are short and to the point.The quality of all the animations is very high and the message is bright and easy for anyone to understand.

In addition to them there are a few songs that kids will enjoy too. Here is one of them. 


Another favourite topic in the video selection is the collection of vegan sweets, which is very appropriate and helpful to show to your friends and family if they want to buy you something. It is all about making an effort and Manuela’s video is perfect. 

I am very grateful to have the opportunity to introduce you to Vegan Kinder and Manuela Renner, Feel free to connect with her on Facebook and do subscribe to the channel.


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