argan oil for hair
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Argan Oil is THE Spa Treatment for Your Hair

Argan Oil is THE Spa Treatment for Your Hair
Many women desire beautiful, shiny hair, and men strive for full hair nonetheless. Unfortunately, not all of us are blessed with naturally healthy hair, thus we spend much money for hair products to get the most desirable that we can call our own.
Despite what you see in ads for various hair care products, your hair care routine shouldn’t be that difficult. The most basic hair routines involve washing your hair regularly with the right shampoo, conditioning it, and brushing it carefully and properly without breaking it.
But then, a little extra attention and special treatment can make a difference and help improve the looks and health of your hair. Here is a natural product not all too well known that will deeply nourish and strengthen your hair. Just a couple of applications will bring you results and make your hair look healthier and stronger.
The Elders knew about Argan Oil
Pure argan oil comes from the nuts of the Argan tree, which exists only in Morocco. Because of its limited habitat, there is only so much oil that can be produced and it is therefore not inexpensive. In olden times, the elder Moroccans used the oil for cooking; but since the oil also has notable beauty properties, they also used it as face and hair moisturizer. We should always trust the elders and their wisdom: and so it wasn’t until recent times that argan oil made its debut in the Western world, and it quickly became a desired beauty product.

argan oil for hair
Applications for argan oil for hair
Whether you are rushing through your morning routine or wish to relax and recuperate from an active week, the applications of this oil are versatile:
You can use argan oil as a leave-in conditioner. Apply it in the evening to your dry hair and let it absorb overnight, then wash your hair in the morning like you usually do. If an overnight treatment is not feasible for you, allowing your hair to absorb argan oil for one to two hours will do the trick also. Doing this just once a week will make your hair healthier, softer and shiny.
When applying argan oil to your hair, pour a little amount of argan oil into your palms and gently slide along your hair strands from the top down to the tips of your hair. This will nourish your hair tresses and provide deep moisture. You can either leave the oil in your hair as you go about your daily routine or apply this treatment prior to taking your shower.
For an after-shower conditioner, simply dry your hair with a towel and apply a small amount to your hair. This will nourish your hair and also protect your hair from any styling with heat or styling products.
Argan oil is also very effective if you have dry scalp or battle dandruff. Dandruff is an infection of the scalp that symptomizes in those frisky white flakes falling off your head. Argan oil not only has anti-microbial qualities and can therefore fight this infection, but it also provides deep moisturizing and nourishing to your scalp.
Use argan oil sparingly so it doesn’t weigh your hair down. Even though it is a very light oil, it is also very rich. And when you select argan oil for your beauty care, choose only pure argan oil that is all-natural and without any preservatives and fragrances which are actually harmful to your hair as well as your overall health.
Kandala Organic Argan Oil  is a high-quality product and a great choice for your hair care. The product is cold-pressed, virgin argan oil, USDA/EcoCert organic certified and contains absolutely no preservatives or additives of any kind.
Here is where you can get this top brand:

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