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Blood Testing for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Blood Testing for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Many people associate the feeling of fatigue with the cold weather, but have you found that your recent sensations of fatigue did not lift with the recent sunshine that we have been having?
Fatigue, or lack of energy, is a common health complaint and is one of the hardest terms to define as it is often the symptom of many different conditions. Around 20% of people claim to have fatigue intense enough to interfere with their having a normal life, so do not be ashamed if you are feeling constantly low on energy.

Constant feelings of fatigue could be a sign that certain hormone levels are not as they should be within your body. It could be something simple as a lack of iron in your blood making you anaemic or it could be something more serious such as CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
There is no certain cause of CFS, but it can be caused by a persistent viral infection or previous damage to the immune system. It is also possible that after developing Glandular Fever or having exposure to toxins people can find themselves with the syndrome as the illness often follows a chest and gastric infection from which the person fails to recover.

The main symptom of CFS is a severe and debilitating muscle fatigue following exertion. Females are more commonly affected, and the peak incidence is between the ages of 30 – 40 years, although young children and the elderly can also develop the syndrome.
Some people can be embarrassed to go to their doctors following symptoms of fatigue, but it is now possible to take the necessary tests for CFS and other disorders at home, sometimes with just the use of a simple blood test. You can either arrange for a nurse to come to your home or another private place to conduct the blood test, or you can organise to meet with them at a Practice closest to you.
The blood test is usually accompanied with a medical questionnaire which asks for your personal medical history and for any information on your family history that may be relevant to any results that may be found in your blood. The medical questionnaire also often asks about your lifestyle to help guarantee a correct diagnosis.
All the medical work will be done by medical professionals, so you will not have to worry about the results not being genuine. All results will also be fully explained via a confidential telephone consultation with a medical advisor, with paper copies of the results also being made available upon request.

blood cheks
So do not leave it until it’s too late and let your own embarrassment get in the way of your health! Home medical checks are increasingly popular and easily available; don’t put your own health in danger.
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