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Becoming Vegan,Easy Vegan Recipes

Chick Peas Vegan Burgers -Amazingly Tasty Recipe

Chick peas are incredibly high in good plant protein and full of folic acid, fiber and manganese.They also conatain minerals such as iron, copper, zinc.
Chick peas “work really hard” to support your digestive system and especially on your colon. Between 65-75% of the fiber found in them is insoluble fiber, and this type of fiber remains undigested all the way down to the final segment of your large intestine (colon). Recent studies have shown that chick peas fiber can be metabolized by bacteria in the colon to produce relatively large amounts of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), including acetic, propionic, and butyric acid. These SCFAs provide fuel to the cells that line your intestinal wall. By supporting the energy needs of our intestinal cells, the SCFAs made from the chick peas fibers can help lower your risk of colon problems.

This is a tried and loved recipe for making a tasty chick peas vegan burgers.Hope you would like it.

  .This makes aprox.8-10 burgers

300 g of raw chick peas
1 ripe tomato
2 small onions
5 medium cloves of garlic
2 slices of gluten free bread
1 tea spoon of ground cumin
2 tea spoons of coriander
2 tea spoons of paprika
salt and pepper
4 spoons of gluten free flour
100 g of rice milk
some olive oil for the pan

You might want to use chick peas from a tin, it that is the case skip the next few lines 😉

So to cook the chick peas you need to soak them for approx 10-12 hours overnight in cold clean water.
Rinse thoroughly, place in a saucepan and cover with clean water.Boil for 10 minutes , reduce heat and simmer for 75 minutes or until tender.
Drain and the chick peas is ready to use.

Place the chick peas, the onions, the garlic and tomato in the food blender. Add the bread and the spices.Process briefly until evenly mixed but slightly rugged.Last put the mix into a and mix it with your hands. Make them into burgers.Before frying dip the burger into the rice milk and then into the flour.
Heat the oil in a frying pan and divide the mixture into 8. Fry in batches for 2–3 minutes on each side, until golden, then drain on kitchen paper.

Tip: Before you blend the chick peas toast them in the oven.
Another tip- if you have any left over chick peas toast them with salt, pepper and red paprika and enjoy as a snack on its own.

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