Easy Vegan Recipes- 30 Day Vegan Blogging Challenge,What do vegans eat?

Easy Vegan Recipes -Vegan Blogging Challenge – raw tahini and other goodies

Hello, my friends

I have come to a conclusion, that cooking and making food makes me feel very productive and very happy. After a long day of doing what has to be done I was so happy to be at home with all of my favourite people making dinner. Once I had all the veggies on the work top and  everything decided for the dinner I felt so in the mood for cooking . Food is our intimate connection with Nature and when you cook vegan is very special, or at least for me it is.

So once I am in the mood for cooking I like to get a lot of things going. This evening we are having veggie kebabs again , which have turned to be a favourite dish in our household in the last few weeks . They are incredibly easy to make and very satisfying. You can see the recipe for them here.easy vegan recipes

Today I want to give a few ideas what are the perfect compliments to those kebabs and how easy to make them it is. First is a recipe for a raw tahini. This is a very rich and satisfying dressing and its full with all of the goodness of the sesame seed.

Raw Tahini 

easy vegan recipes

Here is what you need:

1 cup of sesame seeds (soaked in water for approx.4 hours)

1 cup of water

juice from 1 lemon

4-5 spoonfuls of olive oil

pinch of salt

1-2 cloves of garlic (optional)

All you do is put them all in the Vitamix and blend for about a minute or so. Simply pour in a cup and enjoy. Its very tasty and creamy and light. If you want you can add more water to have as a salad dressing or less if you want to use it as a dip. Overall is amazing flavour and you get all the goodness of the sesame seeds.

I also made some tomato salad . There is nothing like a sweet juicy tomato salad to add some fresh sweetness in your dinner. Here is what you need .easy vegan recipes


red pepper

1/2 onion


olive oil

salt and pepper to taste

All you do is simply cut the tomato and season with salt and pepper. a quick tip is to season just the tomatoes with salt and pepper and then add everything else as this gives the salad the oomph, that takes it to another level. After you add the chopped onion and red pepper simply sprinkle with olive oil and oregano and enjoy!easy vegan recipes

To complete our dinner I also made some cucumber and garlic dip, using a bit of the tahini dressing and I also added some vegan mayonnaise and water cress. The texture and the richness is amazing and the cucumber really adds extra richness to the kebabs.

I am loving this blogging challenge , the only thing is , that Its getting late again . have to make a point to post the recipe before dinner or at least before sunset.

Thank you very much for your kind love and support,

I would love to hear from you , leave your comments in the box below.

lots of love


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