Easy Vegan Recipes,What do vegans eat?

First Vegan Christmas dinner recipe ( tastes even better , the day after Christmas)

vegan Christmas As you probably know I had my  first vegan Christmas yesterday. I am writing this post feeling , that we had a great celebration yesterday. There was a lot going on in our home as everybody else was having a traditional Christmas dinner, which included a lot of preparation and cooking.I used to eat all that-piece of turkey, then some stuffing loaded with butter , then piece of ham all swimming in a lot of gravy. This year , the only thing , that my dinner swam in was the red wine, which I love.

In the countdown to Christmas I had a lot of choices. there were some amazing recipes of mushroom and spinach roulade to nut roast and stuffed cabbage leaves. The first two I decided not to do simply because it was gonna involve making some shortcrust pastry  and the stuffed cabbage leaves seemed a bit boring . So I saw a recipe on facebook shared by one of my blogging friends of a vegan lasagna with a creamy bean sauce. The moment I read all the ingredients I knew that this will be my vegan menu..Everything in the original recipe meant abundance , variety and richness and this is exactly what I was looking for .

My first priority when it comes to any recipe is to make sure its easy, tasty and nourishing . If those 3 boxes are ticked I am happy to make it and most importantly share it with you. The dish is incredibly rich .So here is my simplified version of this amazingly tasty lasagna.

First of all I decided not to make in a tray , but instead I used my Bulgarian clay pots, which keep everything very moist and also you have a complete dish in a single serving.In Bulgaria, where I grew up they are called “гювече” -“guivechey” .It comes in many colours and sizes and you can find  them nearly in every Bulgarian kitchen . first vegan christmas
So here are the ingredients for this Vegan lasagna. This recipe makes 5 Bulgarian pots or a medium size tray.

Preparation time :approx 45 minutes to an hour

Cooking time 30-35 minutes

3 medium carrots (sliced lengthwise)

1 courgette (sliced lengthwise )

12 medium size chestnut mushrooms

1 whole leek (sliced on stripes )

1 red pepper (sliced on big chunks)

some spinach
For the tomato sauce
4 cloves of garlic

3 medium onions

500 gr of tomato passata

2 fresh tomatoes

a splash of red wine

some basil

5 olives (chopped finely , I used black ones here)

ground cloves (1/2 tea spoon )

ground cinnamon (1/2 tea spoon)

ground nutmeg (1/4 tea spoon )

2 bay leaves

salt and pepper

lasagna sheets (egg free)

For the bean sauce

200 gr. or kidney beans

50 gr. of water

20 gr. of oat milk

3 table spoons of olive oil

salt and pepper

table spoon of tahini

first vegan christmas First wash and chop the carrots , courgettes , leeks , peppers. mushrooms .Then shallow fry them one after the other and set them a side. Next make the tomato sauce -finely chop the onions, or use a food processor. Cook the onions and garlic in some olive oil until golden brown . Then add the chopped tomatoes and the passata and all the herbs. Let it simmer for 5 minutes and then add the wine and let it simmer on a very low heat for further 10 minutes .

While the sauce is simmering you can make the bean topping. I used a Vitamix instead of ordinary blender as it gives a perfect creamy result and no bits what so ever, Consider an investment in your health when you are thinking of getting a Vitamix. So just put all the ingredients for the bean topping and blend for about 1 and a half minute.

Then take your pots or tray and start to layer your lasagna.I choose to put the carrots on the bottom as they will give a good support. On the top put leeks and spinach. Them spread some of the tomato sauce and put a layer of pasta sheets. Repeat 2 more times using your imagination and taste on what vegetables go when. Then after you have put the last layer of pasta pour the bean sauce and cook in the oven.

A quick tip -if you do not have any clay dishes with a lid you can simply put an aluminium foil on the top of your tray to make sure , that the lasagna will be moist.first vegan christmas
Serve with some chopped celery and a few olives ! Enjoy!
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Sending Blessings and Love

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1 Comment

  1. Vegan Transition Tips learned through my vegan journey so far says:

    […] experience with it, now I have completed 7 months of being vegan and counting  and also had my first Vegan Christmas. Overall I  can confirm , that I have never felt better in my life , my energy levels are […]

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