Becoming Vegan,Modern Parenting,Why Raw Food?

Clear mind and a loving heart

Life never stops in our house, even if the kids were of school as well.

Very rainy day overall. It was nice morning, then a bit of work to do, then some house work and then we went shopping . You know when you just wanna go out somewhere just to feel , that you are out. Shopping means walking for hours , especially if you go to a place like IKEA . We haven’t got the habit to ware ribber boots and enjoy the rain being outside , but  am sure that time might come soon 🙂 .

the boys and the fox
the boys and the fox

Then before we knew it was time to get some more vegetables and everything, that you remember that you need once you walk into the store . We have learned to shop together. The point is when the boys shop , they can choose their school brake and lunch and make a  choice what to have.

Just a year ago I used to give them snacks only high in sugar or fat and hardly anything with any nutritional value. At home they would normally have had a more healthier diet, but it wasn’t until towards the end of this school year when they ask for fruits and raw bars.I just love that. I always made a point of educating them in a very gentle way. I have so much to learn myself as it is , but I am so ready for it.

It works. The slow transition is paying off.I am not saying, that they have become vegans, not at all-just incredibly sensible and aware about food. I want to make a difference by bringing children, that are compassionate and sensible. Children, that realize, that you really are what you eat and get on with it. Having health and knowing your body are the best foundation for a clear mind and a loving heart…..

Sending blessings and love


P.S This is day 30 of  Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 209 days left of 2012.

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  1. Ivelina says:

    Thank you, Jacqueline.

  2. jacqueline says:

    have a clear mind and a loving heart

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