Becoming Vegan,What do vegans eat?,Why Raw Food?

Asparagus = pure green force

Adopting the vegan lifestyle has opened an enormous field with amazing foods for me. Recently I have been buying vegetables, that normally would only have seen on a Jamie Oliver show and even wonder, why did he bother. With no disrespect- I would normally just  buy tomatoes, peppers , cucumbers and and iceberg salad, and if I feel adventures may be a cabbage:-) . These days every time I go to buy fresh produce I am in heaven. In the last day or two I have been eating asparagus.  asparagus

I have read that,  some nutrition specialists class is as a super food, so I was looking forward to have some. As they say and I believe it myself -variety is a spice of life.This greenish-purple stick makes a very tasty addition to a salad, that I made and it is also nice dipped in hummus.

Here are some of the amazing quality this vegetable have, as it is now in season I highly recommended it.

1. Asparagus contains a phytonutrient called saponins, which  have an anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. They assist with lowering blood pressure and help to control blood sugar levels.

2.It contains Vitamin K, folic acid and Vitamins C, A and B-complex.

3. Asparagus is an excellent source of fibre that is rich in niacin and phosphorus.

4. It also contains the ideal ratios of calcium to magnesium needed by the body.

5. Its high alkaline content enables it to be effective in reducing the acid content in the blood.

6.Those suffering from PMS can benefit as well because asparagus helps with menstrual cramps. They have also been used to assist with fertility problems.

7.Your kidneys will love asparagus… it helps cleanse the body and prevent kidney stones

So these are only 7 of the amazing benefits of asparagus. Today I made a very tasty salad with it and it only takes 5 minutes to prepare and the same amount of time to eat ;-). Because asparagus is dark green colour = high volumes of pure green force I would always prefer to have it raw. But you know yourself best. Have it your way.

So this is what you need for the salad

1.12 asparagus sticks

2.2 large cooked beetroots

3.5-6 gherkins

4.celery stick

5. a quater of a cucumber

some lemon juice, salt and pepper, olive oil and basil asparagus salad

Chop, season , mix and enjoy! Serve with a bit of hummus on a side! Its lovely!

Sending blessings and love
P.S This is day 29 of  Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 210 days left of 2012.

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