Easy Vegan Recipes- 30 Day Vegan Blogging Challenge,What do vegans eat?

Easy Vegan Recipes -Vegan Blooging Challenge -Mediterranean potatoes with vegetables

Hello, my friends,

the easy vegan recipes blogging challenge is going from strength to strength I am very happy to announce, that we have decided to extend it for another 30 days, so the challenge will complete on the 28th of June.I would love you to join us. Remember that you don’t have to be vegan to join as long as you are interested in vegan cooking you are very welcome.  I absolutely love the exchange of ideas and cooking inspiration. Vegan cooking is so easy and incredibly rewarding.

For today’s recipe I have chosen some of my most favourite flavours.

Mediterranean Potatoes with Vegetables 

Here is what you need :

  • 12 potatoes
  • 2 white onions
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 7 mushrooms
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 courgette (zucchini)
  • 500 gr tomato pasata
  • basil
  • bay leaves
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • some olive oil
  • 1/2 cup of white wine (optional)
easy vegan recipes
Just out of the oven!

First peel and chop the potatoes in small boats. Then chop the onions and crush the garlic and the rest of the vegetables.Put all of them in the roasting tray and season with the olive oil , salt and pepper , basil and place in the oven on 180C for a fan oven for about 30 minutes . Mix occasionally to make sure it does not stick to the tray. Once the potatoes are a bit soft add the tomatoes and let it cook for another 30 minutes or so. About 5 minutes before serving I added some white wine , which gave it a nice oomph, but it tasted just as good before the wine. easy vegan recipes

Let it sit for a few minutes and prepare some fresh green salad. It goes really well with it. The salad I made contains spinach, lettuce, celery and cucumber. Chop everything and season with oregano and lemon dressing. I served the potatoes on a bed of spring onion rice. Delicious, crunchy and very rich combination. Enjoy!

Thank you once again for all your love and support,

Please leave me a comment in the box below, I love hearing from you.

Lots of love,


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I love writing fresh and interesting content . Send me an email to ivelina(at)mothernaturelovesyou.com. Click the contact me button on the right hand side regarding a guest/sponsored post or simply send me a Facebook message -http://www.facebook.com/ivelinaborislavova

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