Today is another special day for this Blog as I am adding another category here. The section is called “Friends of Mother Nature “ .This is where I will be inviting you on a virtual cup of tea to have a conversation about Mother Nature , Natural treatments and all things Natural !

The inspiration behind the “Fiends of Mother Nature “ are those few lines written by David Orr, which I totaly believe and share
“The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind. It needs people who live well in their places. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane. And these qualities have little to do with success as we have defined it.”
We are all friends of Mother Nature -some more than others, but I believe everybody is doing their best. The main thing to remember is that we are only passing by here. We are here to give. If you don’t give you are not alive. Find what is that thing in you , that makes you feel inspired and come alive and go with it. Live it, be it and give it. And that ,my friends, is success-to be who you are and give what you’ve got.You are not alone and we are in this together. This amazing journey called LIFE.
My first guest to “Friends of Mother Nature ” is Dómhnaill Ó’Rioghbhardáin, who lives in Limerick Ireland with his wife.He is a part of a team which effort is to restore the entire Sahara Desert to a thriving, fertile place where people can live in abundance once again. The project was introduced to the 2011 All-Ireland Permaculture Gathering in Wicklow by Sarah Franklyn in August.
Domhaill is working with Andy who has started a project in a remote valley in North-Central Morocco to build a school for local children with a permaculture center as part of the PRI’s ‘Permaculture Centers Worldwide’ vision. Initially the plan is to drill a borehole to avoid using the local scarce water, and to save local people having to walk up to 10 km (each way) to get clean water.
As the desert retreats it will be replaced by thriving communities living in abundance, while maintaining their traditional ways of living.
Now an Ash tree produces about 10,000 seeds on a single year. Think of the multiplier there ? the planet could be recovered in trees easily, just plant them.”