Sometimes I wished I knew how to be a parent before I was one.:-)With my experience I am very clear of what I want to teach my boys and everything else is a bonus.I want to teach them to be loving, creative and conscious human beings, filled with compassion and awareness that they can do anything that they set their minds to. Those are qualities, that I want to promote with everything that I do.
Children learn in a different way-if you want them to be compassionate you have to give them compassion. If you want them to have faith you have to give them faith.If you want them to be caring you have to care for them. Always.“The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”
There are hundreds of child development books and to tell you the truth I have never read one. The main reason for that is that I trust my instincts very much when it comes to my boys.I also do not believe , that reading a book can help you raise a child.Its like reading a brilliant cook book and at the end of it to get a certificate that you are a chef.It takes days and years of cooking to get there. No matter what you know and what you’ve read about parenting I would like to share with you my best tips, that work for my boys every time.
1. Give them lots and lots of hugs and kisses, the more the better.Boys need that encouragement and reassurance that you are there and you love them no matter what .Besides-time goes and soon they will be young men.
2.Feed them well.Focus on giving them nutritious food full with good stuff. The other things they will get anyway. I always like to start the day with a nice smoothie , so they get a great start. After that is easy.
3.Promote self education. Always let them learn themselves when possible. It literally “gives them wings”. Things have totally changed since everything you wanted to know involved books as the only source for knowledge. Now a days all the information is instant and accessible .
4.Teach them to cook-this is a really good one. Doing anything together is like a glue for the relationship , that you have with your children. Cooking is a skill for like -you are also educating them about different foods and herbs. As well as that you know that they won’t be stuck when you are not around.
5.Promote team work.Everything that you do in life comes down to the team that you work in and how you deal with the people in it. With my team of 3 boys I have become very aware of the big differences in their characters.Always work with your children as you are all in the same team.Keeping everybody happy is something that mothers do very well.

6.Encourage exercise-Getting active is something that boys love.Being outside, close to Mother Nature on the fresh air will boost your immune system and help you bond with your children. Its also a time away of house work and you can really focus on them and children love attention.
7.Always tuck them into bed -Even if you didn’t see them all day , because you work, just doing that will help you both feel better again. That loving kiss and a hug , that a child receives before he goes to bed takes away all the stress.Its very beneficial for both sides.
Thank you very much for reading my little tips.Please add more in the comments.I will be so happy to read them.
[…] I am a mother of 3 wonderful boys. I do know about parenting , but I would never dream of giving classes or worse taking some.I asked my boys this question ” What makes me a good mother?” The youngest one Sotiraki said- “Being relaxed and working on your laptop.” Stellios said ” That you take us out on our bikes” and Ari said ‘That you look after everybody” . What more do you need? That is my point Learn from your children how to be a parent. Live it, learn it , enjoy life’s ups and downs! […]