How to be a healthy vegan,Vegan Nutrition

Vegan Omega 3 Sources

Vegan Omega 3 Sources

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid that is crucial to our bodies. It plays a wide role in several vital functions that are good for the heart and brain health. As it’s an ‘essential’ fatty acid, our bodies cannot make it and so we must consume it in our diet or via a supplement. For this reason, those following a vegan diet can sometimes struggle to consume an adequate amount of Omega 3 in their diet. In this article we will discover the various sources of Omega 3 available to vegans.

Flaxseed Oil is a great source of Omega 3 for vegans.

Flaxseed Oil is a great source of Omega 3 for vegans.


Flaxseed Oil: Flaxseed oil is a good source of Omega 3 for vegans. It’s high in Omega 3 ALA that is great for hair and nail growth. It’s a plant that is rich in dense nutrients that every vegan should be consuming on a daily basis. Flaxseed is also quite affordable and can be consumed through cooking oils (such as those that you will find in a supermarket), or by capsules.

Algae oil is an innovative new plant-based vegan omega 3 source

Algae Oil: Algae Oil is a relatively new form of vegan omega 3 that can be purchased here. Suitable for both vegans and vegetarians, algae oil is a sustainable plant that contains high amounts of Omega 3 DHA. This Omega 3 DHA is great for brain and heart health with some studies showing it fighting off early onset of conditions such as Alzheimer’s. Omega 3 DHA is only available for marine sources and considering vegans do not eat krill or fish, algae is the only form of DHA available.  


Stuck for ideas? Try walnut oil.


Stuck for ideas? Try walnut oil.

Walnuts: Walnut oil is another source of Omega 3 ALA. As mentioned, this is great for your hair and nails. Walnuts are highly versatile and can be an exciting alternative to flaxseed oil. Compared to flaxseed oil, walnut oil has a distinctive and rich flavour that can enhance many dishes. 

In addition to the above sources of Omega 3, adding more leafy vegetables such as kale, collard greens nuts and oils into one’s diet plan can be a good way to enhance the quantity of omega-3 that the body can make good use of.

A little addition of omega 3 in one’s diet plan can result in considerable improvements in cardiovascular health. Taking the right amount of Omega 3 can bring various benefits from these important fatty acids. Whatever ways you choose to take Omega 3, either with supplements or adding some vegetables, nuts, or seeds to one’s diet, a vegan should be sure that they are acquiring the good fats every day, in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


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