Becoming Vegan,Mother Nature Loves You,What do vegans eat?

Why organic vegetables?

Becoming a vegan has open my eyes and mind to the endless choices and combinations when it comes to vegetables and fruits. My main source of energy has been the pure plant power and I am in love with this lifestyle. In the last few  weeks I have been getting some locally grown organic vegetables from Root and Branch Organic  and I have to say they taste amazing and much better.And there is something else . Even the word “organic” sounds healthier and closer to nature. And I believe, that the closer to nature we get the healthier we are , the better we heal and the better we feel. 

What do vegans eat? Its simple , tasty and abundant . Vegans eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and legumes . When you have a choice your better option is always to choose organic, and I would like to share with you a few reasons why.

To be fare and realistic as much as I love them vegetables and fruits , I am not sure, that I am up to growing my own. I certainly do not mind growing some herbs and a few salads, but that’s it for now .In the mean time getting them delivered every week is just as good .

vegan vitamin B12


I had the chance to visit the organic farm . Its a piece of art and beauty.Growing up in Bulgaria had it’s priceless benefits when it comes to fresh produce. Everything was local, in season and organic. There as no question about conventional or organic what so ever .

I also know that if you do not have access to a organic local farm produce  you can buy organic vegetables from nearly every supermarket. Say you are in the fruit and vegetable isle and you see this area with tomatoes and beside the conveniently grown tomatoes you see the stand with organic tomatoes. And there are many other vegetables like that, carrots, celery cucumbers, spinach, the list goes on. You do have the choice . The price of the organic is by rule always hire , no matter what.

The word “organic” refers to the way farmers grow and process agricultural products, such as fruits, vegetables, grains,   Organic farming practices are designed to encourage soil and water conservation and reduce pollution. Farmers who grow organic produce   don’t use conventional methods to fertilize, control weeds . For example, rather than using chemical weedkillers, organic farmers may conduct more sophisticated crop rotations and spread mulch or manure to keep weeds at bay.

mother nature loves you

The main question is is it worth paying extra for organic vegetables and fruits.

1. The biggest reason why  organic is because there are no pesticides on it.  Studies have shown that the use of pesticides can also alter the levels of certain vitamins including B vitamins, vitamin C, and beta-carotene in fruits and vegetables.

2.John Reganold, professor of soil science at Washington State University Regents and author of the new study, and his colleagues conducted the most comprehensive analysis of its kind on commercial produce soil and the strawberries that grow in it. (Conventional strawberries, as many now know, are one of the most pesticide-laden fruits available for sale.)
Organic strawberries contain far more antioxidants, vitamin C and beneficial polyphenolic compounds than conventional strawberries, and they have a longer shelf life. Organic strawberries also contain more dry matter per volume–meaning more actual strawberry–than conventional ones do.

3.In soil tests, organic soils tested extremely rich in key nutrients, enzymes and biological and chemical elements, that are otherwise lacking in conventional fields. Such soil nutrients are vital for producing nutritionally-rich fruit, as well as for maintaining healthy soil conditions that preserve and promote environmental integrity.

4.A study published in the Journal of Applied Nutrition lists many nutrients that appear to be altered based on how they are farmed. The study looked at organic apples, pear, potatoes, wheat, and sweet corn and compared the levels of certain nutrients in relation to the commercially available counterparts produced via modern farming practices. The study lists the macro nutrient chromium as being found at levels 78% higher in organic foods. The study also showed that Calcium is found at a level 63% higher in organic foods and Magnesium is found at a level 138% higher in organic foods. Other studies have shown that the use of pesticides can also alter the levels of certain vitamins including B vitamins, vitamin C, and beta-carotene in fruits and vegetables.

Overall it’s any fresh produce has its benefits for you. If the produce is not organic you can always  peel the skin of the fruits and the vegetables or what them in some apple cider vinegar. Listen to your body and be well.

Sending Blessings and Love ♥



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